Does the Atmega328P-AU need baked

I'll be reflowing my board in a small T962 oven. My chips haven't been in a sealed bag. But I searched the data sheet for the words moisture or bake, and didn't find either.

If you follow the solder temperature profile,
soak at 150C for 90 seconds,
reflowat 185-195C for 90 seconds,
you'll likely be okay.

Thanks. That's about what I do. I used leaded paste, so I get by with lower temps.

Those are the temps for leaded paste. I think from Kester EP256 product sheet.
Unleaded is higher.

Digi-key is saying the TQFP has Moisture Sensitivity Level (MSL) 3. I live in Arizona so that sort of stuff is not much of a concern most of the year, and I can bake the parts on a sidewalk if needed.

Kester solder spec

Kester_EP256_Data_Sheet.pdf (54.9 KB)

(Basically: follow the JEDEC recommendations.)