Don't see response from BLE module to my iphone app

I am using the HM-10 low energy bluetooth module and I am trying to verify that a sample BLE app is able to send some data to the arduino board over HM-10 and receive a response back.

So, I am using the code below. It works fine when I send a message from the Arduino Serial Monitor (and I see a response in the monitor). However, when I use one of these BLE apps on app store, connect with the HM-10 module and send a message, I was expecting I would see a response message "one" on the app but I do not see anything.

What am I missing?

#include <AltSoftSerial.h>

AltSoftSerial BTserial;
char c=' ';

void setup() {

void loop() {
  if (BTserial.available())
      c =;
      BTserial.write("one"); // <- this should show up in my BLE app as an RX but it doesn't. WHY?

  // Read from the Serial Monitor and send to the Bluetooth module
  if (Serial.available())
      c =;

Notice in the attached screenshot of the app, when I send the character 'a', I don't see the response 'one' back to the app..


I'm not familiar with altsoft serial but I would expect that you would need to specify the pins used for the bluetooth connection. Check the standard altsoft serial examples included in the library. Having the hardware serial working doesn't tell you anything.