Dot Matrix Led Control

How To Control Multiple P10 Single Color Dot Matrix 16x32 Module in Variable Message Sign Board via ethernet or RS232? please reply asap. Its Urgent.

please reply asap. Its Urgent.

i dislike this

i dislike this

I dislike(d) the duplicate of this topic even more.

But I did something about it. :smiling_imp:

Its Urgent.

I severely doubt that. :roll_eyes:

Nevertheless, if you wish to start the process, then you need to provide web links to the particular display module you have, what you mean by "multiple", explain what sort of Arduino you have on hand (though in fact I may tell you not to use an Arduino as such) and how you wish to "control" it using what sort of devices you have on hand to do that?

i dislike this

Well, we would tend to ignore such rudeness, but I have offered some critically important explanation. :grinning:

I dislike(d) the duplicate of this topic even more.

But I did something about it. :smiling_imp:

I thought you would when I reported it. :sunglasses: