Hey guys! New to the forum and also Arduino. I am a construction electrician required to make a final project for the Wi ABC apprenticeship. I have seen some similar but wanted to make the automated blinds. I have the Sintron starter pack kit and would like to open/close the blinds with the light sensor, IR receiver and remote, and also the simple push button. I have tried to combine codes for all my requirements but have gotten nowhere. I have to believe these 3 have been used with the stepper motor before....? I have the28BYJ-48 stepper motor with SBT0811 control board and Arduino UNO. If anyone has the code and instructable for wiring and controlling this it would help me so much. Project is due in a couple days and I am running out of time and options. I have the blinds on a stand and frame made to house everything. Your help is greatly appreciated.
If you post your code and a schematic of your setup, maybe we can help. Please read the "how to use the forum" stickies to see how to format and post code.
Also a description of what the code is to do.
That is my problem. The codes I have are just generic for each motor/sensor and I haven't been dealing with this type of programming long enough to know how to get everything to work together. I am assuming this has been put together before if a longer term member can recall or whip something up for me? I want the code to open the blinds with the stepper motor when light is presented to the photo eye, and shut when it is dark(90 degrees). I want the remote button OR little push button to override this photo eye. Basically this project but instead of a servo motor I want to use a stepper.
Automated blinds is a common project discussed on the forums. Try forum search. Google might yield information, too.