Downloads Server Broken

I've been trying to download the latest IDE for hours. server appears to be down. According to the problem is not local to me. Anyone have contact with the server administrator?

You can try an e-mail to


I did as you suggested. We'll see what happens.

PS. I checked out your website. Nice (and useful) board designs. Wish I had known about them a few years ago.

Works just fine here... Both Windows and Mac downloads start without problem.

Thanks Septillion, trying again today.

I'm having the same problem on both Windows, Linux and Mac downloads.

This is the (Mac) link that shows up in the browser (both Chrome and Safari) "".

I've tried several tools for checking to see if it is a local dns problem. replies with "access forbidden" replies "Its not just you."

I'm in the US. Could it be a geographic issue?

Yeay, it can. I have no idea how Arduino manages there website.

But the fact it still doesn't work let me think it has something to do with your PC / your router / your ISP.

:slight_smile: Well, I finally traced the problem to LogMeIn's Hamachi VPN software. Two of three machines had the same problem no matter what ISP or router I used. DNS lookups returned apparently correct values. The common thread was Hamachi, though it had been years since I have used the program.

Thank God for Google. Finally came up with the right search terms and Hamachi showed up as a possible culprit.

Hamachi basically intercepts all traffic in the 5.x.x.x ip4 address range. Guess where is located?

LogMeIn has an old thread on the issue - maybe they solved the problem - my simple solution - remove Hamachi.

Thanks for the feedback. I may have gone a few more days thinking there was an external problem beyond my control.

As I understand it the 5.x.x.x IP area was reserved and then opened up. The online tools that check for down servers may also have problems with the ip address. They continue to report a problem with the server from any machine I try regardless of if Hamachi had ever been installed. Not going to worry about it though. I have my download!