Submitted as a broadcast architecture for TCP/IP; creating a fundamental shift without traditional routing, and with a migration path for legacy IEEE 802.x devices. Unfortunately, Github and Ohloh don't have an area to show the drawings that go with the spec, but I'm happy to provide this separately. The simulation code posted is from earlier Distributed Queue research at UPC, Barcelona, presented as WiFi using the novel MAC (vs IEEE 802). This research came long after the Georgia Tech team ran simulations on behalf of Scientific Atlanta, which resulted in the conclusion that Distributed Queue Switch Architecture out-performed DOCSIS in Cable TV networks, and with the ability to provision constant and variable rate traffic flows simultaneously, and therefore, no need to run asynchronous gear on top of the original synchronous plant.
And how is this Arduino related?
Are you going to implement it for the wifi shield?
The protocol is independent of the physical layer, but a wireless implementation is assumed. This would be a way to leave Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) unchanged, while enabling a mesh network that gets stronger with more devices. The group of developers who work on this would need to figure out the low-level network engineering for deeply embedded systems (C code, compile, port, test, debug). Essentially, we want to do for switching what Linux did for serving. The only thing I can provide, however, is the intellectual property in the form of the protocol specification. From there, the community will have to figure out the rest. In terms of licensing, we have no patents outside the US, and so, no license is required except for commercial use inside the US.