Hey everyone,
So right now I am trying to do the drawing robot project and I think my MKR Motor Carrier is busted because when I try to follow all the steps to get the motors running in MATLAB, I have to use M3 and M4 instead of M1 and M2 which is in the code that is given in the tutorial for the engineering kit. When I successfully upload the code to the MKR1000 that is attached to the motor carrier, the only LEDs that light up are the M4+, M4-, M3+, and M3-. In the video, it shows that they motors should be attached to M1+, M1-, M2+, and M2-, but the motors will only work in the 4 and 3 ones. The encoders also do not cahgne values when plugged into the same slots as the video. I have updated MATLAB, SIMULINK, and everything seems to be working fine except for the motor carrier. I have also tried uploading code from the arduino IDE and that is not working at all with the motor carrier. Any help would be really appreciated.
Thank you