Drive 24V with arduino due Schematic doesent work

I have problems with a circuit. I want to switch a 24Volt signal with an Arduino DUE (max. 3.3V I/O). However, I noticed that when I switch on the Input it shoots up to 4V and then settles down to 3.3V. This 4V peak at the beginning makes my ARDUINO brake because it can only handle a maximum input voltage of 3.3V. What do I have to change in the circuit that this issue no longer occurs?

Picutre of input "Pump1"

Which MOSFET Q1 model?
Place a resistor between the Arduino and the Q1 MOSFET gate.
From 100 Ohms to 470 Ohms.

PUMP1 is output of Arduino?
Q1 is logical MOSFET?

Q1 is a BSS138K.
Yes PUMP1 is output.

What you seem to be seeing is overshoot on the Arduino OUTPUT as monitored on your scope. It is probably an artefact of your wiring and maybe the scope probe needs a small adjustment to it's compensation trimmer assuming you are using a X10 probe.

Why are you using 2 MOSFETs like that? What is U24? Why not just connect it in the drain of the first MOSFET?

I can't connect it to the drain because then the Signal is Inverted. There is no wiring, the whole Schematic is on a PCB. Plus, it's a LeCroy with a X1 probe. U24 is a Microfit which leads to a PWM Input for a Pump.

For what is the Resistor between Arduino and gate?

To make sure the mosfet is turned off if the input is disconnected, if you mean R4. As i said the waveform is completely unsurprising and don't worry about the overshoot. If you will use a LeCroy you will see artefacts like this which most scopes just ignore!

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