Driver for 2 led's

Hey ya'll!

I have been hesitating to post because I have found some similar posts but I believe my situation may be a little different.

I am trying to power two separate LED's, both similar to THIS LED. In short, it's a 3V 150mA LED.

Only one of the LED's will be on at a time (because they're two different colors), but I want to power it with my little 3V arduino trinket running off two 18650 batteries (seen below).

Can I solely use a 74HC595 to do this?

I am trying to make a small flashlight for some research project.

How can I drive the LED's properly without burning up my board or the diodes?

Drive LEDs with transistors, use the 18650 4.5V with series resistor as supply.

Drive LEDs with transistors, use the 18650 4.5V with series resistor as supply.

Wouldn't that cause issues with current after the diode has been running a while? Wouldn't it also heat up quite a bit?

You would be responsible for heat sinking the LED.

3V X .150A = 450mW

You would be responsible for heat sinking the LED.

3V X .150A = 450mW

Wow -- OK, much easier than I thought. Like the Tip 120 or BC547? I just don't know what to expect for <0.5W in terms of thermal discharge

TIP120 has a VCE(sat) of ~2v so it would be a poor choice.
BC547 does not have the power capacity.

You need a MOSFET that turns on with 3v.
IRLZ44 should fit this requirement.

Is your Trinket 3v or 5v?

Thank you! That really gave me a boost on this project.