Driver for stepper motor

I have 2 stepper motors that i want to use with arduino. A nema 17 and a nema 23.

I managed to control it with this driver but after 30 seconds of use it gets super hot and i'm affraid it will get fried after prolonged use.

Somebody recommended me this shield:

along with this driver:

Besides controlling the motor, i need to use a few pins as inputs. Will i still be able to do that with the shield?
The motors run on 12v and use 1.7 and 2 amps, will i be able to control both with two drivers on the same shield?

Have a read through Stepper Motor Basics

And post links to the datasheets for your motors.

The Pololu page for the newer DRV8825 driver states that it can only supply "approximately 1.5 amps" without needing a heat sink.

2A is too high for any of the single chip driver boards except the massive ones with heatsinks such
as TB6560

The other is STP-59D3008, i couldn't find any datasheet for it, only info i've found is 1.8 degree steps, 1.9A, 1.4Ohm

TB6560 seems very expensive and i can't find it in any store. I found some less expensive ones like TB6600 rated 4A or 6560T rated 3A. Would these work fine with the above motors?

6560T is a board using TB6560's as far as I can see. They all handle the current so should work.

You also have the option of running your motors at lower set current, perhaps that will be good enough?