Coming from Basic Stamp, going to the Arduino platform.
I can load sketches through USBTiny programer to the UNO but not directly through the Uno usb port with a win XP computer. I must have loaded the Arduino Uno.inf driver 20 times. when I plug the Uno in my device manager sees it as arduino Uno but after i point it to the arduino uno driver it goes back to communicationc port (com3) instead of the arduino. If I look at the properties it says the driver manufacturer is www.arduino so I am pretty sure it is loading the right driver. When I try to load a sketch I get the stk_500 get sync message with the resp 0x30.
Usualy when I have problems like this I find something stupid I overlooked, I havnt found it yet and am hoping for someone to point me in a direction to resolve my issue.
Thank you all so kindly!
I went into the ArduinoUNO.inf file with a text editor and changed the description at the bottom of the file from communications port to Arduino Uno. Now when I reload the driver instead of going to communications port from Arduino UNO it stays at Arduino UNO in the Device manager, but, still have same error when upload sketch.
I also want to add that I have tried different cables, different USB ports and reloaded theboot via avr programmer. Again I can upload sketches via the programmer.
OK I reburned the bootloader in again, but still have same error when I try to upload a sketch.. no matter what I try in any sequence I cannot get anything through the USB port on the Arduino.
I did the loop test and that did not work either, my guess is the USB interface is kaput.
and yes I understand how it is supposed to work (I think anyway)
When I do plug the arduino into the USB it does see it and load the driver. but I still get the error, no sync. when I try to upload a sketch. I guess I am saying that since I am using the same cable and port with the programmer that those are good, and the fact that I can load a sketch through that way that at least the controller is OK.