I am first starting to use an Arduino, bought from Jaycar, and after downloading the IDE, the part of the port is blurred.
There are no "other devices" in my device manager or drivers. I have attempted to download the C340 but to no avail, saying "Installation has pre-installed successfully".
I do see lights flashing and green LED, however.
Could this be a fault in the Arduino itself or perhaps the USB power cable?
Which version of the IDE are you using?
Which version of Windows?
Please post a link to the product.
That should be OK. If the board has the CH340, it will (should) work.
On power-on, you will see a few quick flashes of the L led and you might (not sure) see a few quick flashes if the RX and/or TX leds. After that, the L led should blink regularly, one second on, one second off.
The power led will always be on.
If it's different, your board is probably broken.
It's not a fault in the Arduino IDE if that is what you mean. If you USB cable has the B- connector (not mini, micro or USB-C), it's unlikely that you have a power-only cable. But it can be broken in other ways.
Make sure that the cable is fully inserted at both sides. The data contacts are a little recessed so power is applied first and next the data connections are made; if you don't insert the plugs fully, there is a good chance that you will have power but no data.
Looks like a normal UNO R3.
The drivers are in the "drivers" subfolder of your Arduino IDE folder.
Just in case, what is the square chip between the USB and the LEDs?
Should be ATmega16U2.
It can be programmed with different firmwares, but normally should come with the usual USB-Serial firmware and use the drivers supplied with the IDE.