Driver Issue for Ethernet Shield

Hi, i recently purchased an ethernet shield, not the original, but from ebay. It seems that the drivers arent getting installed, even windows cant find suitable drivers.
Please help.

The Ethernet Shield does not need drivers. Arduino IDE needs Ethernet library to compile ethernet related sketches.

Umm, the device manager shows 'Ethernet Controller' with a ? besides it. Doesnt that mean an issue with the drivers?
If not, then kindly help me with some other solution.

Ethernet shield can not be connected to PC, so PC can not "see" new device. I'm not sure if we are talking about the same thing.

Ethernet shield attached to Arduino does not change the properties of Arduino and Device Manager still "sees" Arduino Uno (or other type) as a COM number.

Perhaps it would be appropriate to put a link to the eBay stuff you purchased.