Driver MAC OS 10.11.5 El Capitan

Hello everyone,
I am already sitting for some time and get no port in the IDE. (Arduino 1.8.9). I have the following structure: CP2102 and Arduino PRO mini. The chip on the CP2102 is a "silabs cp2102 dcl ??? 1744 ?. I have already installed the following driver with me:" CP210x USB to UART Bridge VCP Drivers - Silicon Labs "
The IDE still does not detect a port. Does anyone have a solution here?

During the test: "kextstat | grep silabs" does not appear ????
The installation was successful!

Thank you very much

Sorry, I found the problem. The driver I used was only from 10.13.
I took the previous one and everything works ...

Thank you

Thanks for providing an update with your solution wassmann69!