I am trying to find out what drivers I need for a Mac laptop. Right now, I can't upload any program because there is no serial port found. I'm using an Arduino Nano. I don't think I have all the drivers I need. If someone could please give a list of links to drivers for MacBook Pro please list them. I have tried to install several drivers for Mac but they don't work. Thanks in advance!
Which driver you need depends on which USB to TTL serial chip you have on your Nano. On official Arduino Nanos and faithful clones, the chip is FT232. On the Chinese Nano derivatives the chip is CH340. I believe the FT232 driver is pre-installed in macOS. It has been reported that in the latest macOS version the CH340 driver is also pre-installed and that the driver provided by the manufacturer of the CH340 causes problems.
Ok thank you. Will try them.