Driving 7 "point" LCDs

How are these normally operated? I'm talking about the displays that make up characters like this:

Is it just a multiplexer, some kind of proper controller or is it completely random?

I'm planning on interfacing with a display on my car (which isn't on the CAN unfortunately), and I'm just curious before actually taking it out and having a look (bit of a pain, as the whole dash top has to come out). [/code]

Oops, this should have been in the Displays forum.

Did you mean a 7 segment LED? (vs LCD)
Segments are usually addressed as


Typically are multiplexed across digits, 1 wire per segment and then 1 wire per digit.
Could be common anode (+3-5V is turned on/off to light up a digit), or common cathode (Low (nearGND)) is enabled to light up a digit.

Pretty sure it's LCD, but characters are in 7 segments.

You need to provide more information to proceed then.
Take a look at some of the datasheets here, you can see what kind of messages are sent.

Hi Sir Robert i think he's talking about Alphanumeric LCD's which also works like below as he showed in his very first post :