Hello - I am working on collecting data at a remote site and sending a text back to the office with the data. This only needs done once per day. I was planning on setting it up this way and would appreciate some feedback on overall concept and battery selection.
Arduino Nano with LED and regulator removed and in sleep mode most of the time
two pack of AAA batteries in parallel with each pack in series (4.5V) - I am still worried about current draw, do I need three packs?
A6 GPSR module to text data (spec sheet says can see peaks of 2A runs on 3.3 to 4.2V
RTC sending and alarm to wake up arduino
Relay firing when Arduino is awake to send power to the A6 since the Arduino cannot handle the load
plan on using the battery pack to power both the Arduino and the A6
There will be someone on site every couple of weeks depending on the the data sent but would rather not have to replace batteries very often.
Are these the best battery options? Should I consider an ER34615 or maybe a 3.7v LiPo. What challenges some with each of these?
Thank you,