Hi, I've only been using the Arduino for a few days. I have programmed Mircochip PIC's before, though I'm no expert.
I have come up against a problem and have been banging my head against the wall for a while with it.
I have my Arduino talking to my server via ethernet and can store data in a MySQL database. The problem is, at the moment I can only send the same data over and over, as a static string.
The lines that make up the URL and pass the data are:
plen= es.ES_fill_tcp_data_p(buf,0, PSTR ( "GET /arduino_write.php?pwd=mypassword" ) );
plen= es.ES_fill_tcp_data_p(buf, plen, PSTR ( "&status=123" ));
So the php script on the server checks the password 'pwd' and then inserts the '123' from 'status', into the database.
That all works fine, but I need to get data from an analogue pin for the 'status'
The analogue data would be of type (int), and it seems I would need to turn that into a char[] array and feed that to the TCP buffer one byte at a time using a loop.
So how would I go about getting say the int 1023 into a char[] array?
I'm not even sure if that's the way to go. Like I said, this is pretty new to me.
If anyone has any ideas, I'd be glad of any help.
Many thanks.