Driving speakers

I want to drive a couple tweeters,
they are basically speakers that are used to produce high frequncy sound.

How would I go about making an amplifier to power and control 200 watts/ 2 of them ?

I'm going to use it to stop the neighbor's barking dogs that seems to be a puppy mill(complaining to anybody won't work trust me) by blasting them with 20KHz sound that will hopefully be a loud speaker blaring directionally that only they can hear.

Add a microphone and have arduino blast them when they bark for 10 seconds and I think I've got something that may work......

You may want to test the high pitch sound on the dogs first. Some dogs respond to such things by barking more.

All the designs i`ve seen, and one I built myself for getting rid of cats used an ultrasonic transducer which was totally inaudible to humans. Worked great on the cats, they scarpered as soon as it was turned on, I never tested it on dogs though.