I am trying to develop a data logging system for simple sensors (thermocouples and strain gauges), but I want it to be a wireless system. I was looking at the Ethernet shield and how it I can recover my data values via web browser, but I was curious as to how I could do this using the drone cell. Does any one have any advice with doing this? The hardware I will be using is a Duemilanove and protoshield for building my circuit.
An Ethernet shield is not going to give you a wireless connection. You need either a wi-fi shield or xbee radio system. You don't say what sort of range you are after so it is hard to be more specific.
I'm looking for unlimited range, well realistically it would be where there is a cell phone reception. I do understand that the Ethernet shield is not wireless, but what I like is how I can access the data via a web browser. The way its described, it seams fairly simple. I know that the drone cell can access the internet and send a receive data, I just wasn't sure how more, or less, programming is involved.
Well I most likely am the one not understanding. I am new to the whole microcontroller world. In your opinion, what would be the most logical and easiest way for me to achieve my goal? I need to be able to access the data from my laptop which is why I am trying to set up the microcontroller on a server. And my reference to "it sounds fairly simple" was to retrieving the data via web browser if I used the ethernet shield, sorry for not being clear with that.