Drv8876 polulu + arduino

Hello can use a drv8876 with an arduino? do you have ay code example? Thanks


Have you Googled;

drv8876 with an arduino

There are many tutorials and projects.
What model Arduino are you using?

If you are looking for help with code, please post a schematic so we know what/how you have connected hardware.

Thanks.. Tom... :smiley: :+1: :coffee: :australia:

Hi Tom thanks.
The schematic I want to use. The wiring of the drv8871 is straight forward. but with a drv8876 from polulu I want to be sure what I may do. thanks

What about this;
From here;

Don't you understand?

Can you please tell us your electronics, programming, arduino, hardware experience?
What are t he specs of your motor?
What is the application?

Thanks... Tom... :smiley: :+1: :coffee: :australia:

hello the motor is there https://static.maerklin.de/damcontent/5c/c7/5cc7cd52cdc42c3ae70ab84f5fc1db5b1594806108.pdf
the decoder that cabe used is there https://static.maerklin.de/damcontent/95/3f/953f672e6c40c8b0594ecfcb3e4d347c1434543455.pdf
I know that the motor12010 is 24ohm. I will power the motor with 16V so intensity is around 66mA.
if it does not help no worry

So what actually are you trying to do?
Is the decoder for a model railway point controller?

It looks like the 12010 point actuator needs a specific driver supplied by "LGB".
If the LGB driver is a simple motor controller then the 8876 should work.

I don't have any knowledge of this brand of point system, but I assume the 12010 has limit switches built in to stop it at each end of the point control movement.

Tom.... :smiley: :+1: :coffee: :australia:

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