Dryade : space debris hunter, OPEN-SOURCE PROJECT


I am Vincent Marsat, and for my graduation as a tech designer in France, i am building a little (big) project: to build an open-source space debris hunter.

It looks like a drone, with some module where he can put the debris, then, send it into space, then the drone is fire by an explosion on his back (he do have a shield). It have to be simple, small and funny, because it will be only a working scale 1 model.

It will have some marketing (how an operator will want to pay for it?), some communication (so it will be more than just a SF project). And i hope i can find some sponsors, because, that will be a bit expensive.

I try to build a community around it, so people can tell new ideas, help me, tell me where i'm wrong or build their own. To me this project can be more than just a space hunter, it's a drone to repair, help, or even digging some asteroids.

the project, is here: dryade.masss.fr
And the facebook page (where i post everything in real time) : DRYADE

And sorry about the plans with some writings in French, my teacher is not english, so you can transalte it if you want or wait for me to do it.

thank you very much and happy codding!

See ya!


I try to build a community around it, so people can tell new ideas, help me, tell me where i'm wrong or build their own. To me this project can be more than just a space hunter, it's a drone to repair, help, or even digging some asteroids.

In that interest I recommend you to do the development on GitHub, you might want one repository for the hardware files and another for the software. This will make it very easy for people to contribute to the development work.