DS1307 Recommended Libraries

I never made an Arduino project before, and now I was looking to make a digital clock that could display date and time through an LCD. I chose DS1307 RTC to be my main driver, does anyone have a library recommendation for this device?

There are several options to choose from. I recommend downloading or browsing through library examples online to see which one best fits your needs. These options range from simple to more advanced. Start by creating a list of features you want, such as whether you want to display just the time or both time and date, etc. Then, review examples and refine your feature list based on what you find.

Next, decide on the type of display you want to use. A good starting point is a 16x2 LCD with an I2C backpack, which requires only four wires to connect.

After that, pick your processor. A basic Arduino UNO would work well, but you could also use an ESP device, which allows for automatic time synchronization using UTC or NTP via the internet.

For inspiration and guidance, consider getting a copy of the Arduino Cookbook. It includes several clock projects you might find useful. Take your time, explore, and most importantly, have fun with your project!

Thank you for your advice! As a piece of additional information, I will use a Nokia 5110 LCD on Arduino UNO R3. I will only need it to be able to display both time and date.

A basic RTC is detailed here
Note that no library is used. Also, the article has a separate programme for setting the time.

The standard Philips library PCD8544 is all you need for the display. There is another 5110 library at RinkyDink but I have never used it.

Your DS1307 may suit you just fine but the DS3231 is a much better module and a similar price. If you want to change to the better module at some future time, there is no need to change the above software..



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where can I get the standard Phillips PCD8544 library you mentioned? I found these libraries on the IDE

I actually use the one by Rodrigues. I didn't know that until just now, and I thought it was produced by Philips. Note that you can configure glyphs on it. This may not be the case with the one by Lyons.

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