DS1307 RTC Does not name a type

I downloaded the library DS1307 created by Henning Karlsen. But I cannot compile it. It Says "DS1307 Does not name a type"


DS1307_Serial_Easy:14: error: 'DS1307' does not name a type
DS1307_Serial_Easy.pde: In function 'void setup()':
DS1307_Serial_Easy:19: error: 'rtc' was not declared in this scope
DS1307_Serial_Easy:25: error: 'SUNDAY' was not declared in this scope
DS1307_Serial_Easy.pde: In function 'void loop()':
DS1307_Serial_Easy:33: error: 'rtc' was not declared in this scope

here's the code:

// DS1307_Serial_Easy (C)2010 Henning Karlsen
// web: Electronics - Henning Karlsen
// A quick demo of how to use my DS1307-library to
// quickly send time and date information over a serial link
// I assume you know how to connect the DS1307.
// DS1307: SDA pin -> Arduino Digital 4
// SCL pin -> Arduino Digital 5

#include <DS1307.h>

// Init the DS1307
DS1307 rtc(4, 5);

void setup()
// Set the clock to run-mode

// Setup Serial connection

// The following lines can be commented out to use the values already stored in the DS1307
rtc.setDOW(SUNDAY); // Set Day-of-Week to SUNDAY
rtc.setTime(12, 0, 0); // Set the time to 12:00:00 (24hr format)
rtc.setDate(3, 10, 2010); // Set the date to October 3th, 2010

void loop()
// Send Day-of-Week
Serial.print(" ");

// Send date
Serial.print(" -- ");

// Send time

// Wait one second before repeating :slight_smile:
delay (1000);

Does this help?

It looks like the library didn't get included or compiled properly. Is it showing any other errors? Fix those and it will probably work.

No other errors. What should I do? or do you have any library for RTC DS1307. Thaanks

Where is the library installed ?

Did you re-start the Arduino IDE. That's the bit that is easy to forget.

here is the header file .h

DS1307.h - library for DS1307 rtc

// ensure this library description is only included once
#ifndef DS1307_h
#define DS1307_h

// include types & constants of Wiring core API
#include <WConstants.h>

// include types & constants of Wire ic2 lib
#include <../Wire/Wire.h>

#define DS1307_SEC 0
#define DS1307_MIN 1
#define DS1307_HR 2
#define DS1307_DOW 3
#define DS1307_DATE 4
#define DS1307_MTH 5
#define DS1307_YR 6

#define DS1307_BASE_YR 2000

#define DS1307_CTRL_ID B1101000 //DS1307

// Define register bit masks
#define DS1307_CLOCKHALT B10000000

#define DS1307_LO_BCD B00001111
#define DS1307_HI_BCD B11110000

#define DS1307_HI_SEC B01110000
#define DS1307_HI_MIN B01110000
#define DS1307_HI_HR B00110000
#define DS1307_LO_DOW B00000111
#define DS1307_HI_DATE B00110000
#define DS1307_HI_MTH B00110000
#define DS1307_HI_YR B11110000

// library interface description
class DS1307
// user-accessible "public" interface
void get(int *, boolean);
int get(int, boolean);
void set(int, int);
void start(void);
void stop(void);

// library-accessible "private" interface
byte rtc_bcd[7]; // used prior to read/set ds1307 registers;
void read(void);
void save(void);

extern DS1307 RTC;


here is the .cpp

extern "C" {
#include <../Wire/Wire.h>
#include "DS1307.h"


DS1307 RTC=DS1307();


// Aquire data from the RTC chip in BCD format
// refresh the buffer
void DS1307::read(void)
// use the Wire lib to connect to tho rtc
// reset the resgiter pointer to zero

// request the 7 bytes of data (secs, min, hr, dow, date. mth, yr)
Wire.requestFrom(DS1307_CTRL_ID, 7);
for(int i=0; i<7; i++)
// store data in raw bcd format
// update the data on the IC from the bcd formatted data in the buffer
void DS1307::save(void)
Wire.send(0x00); // reset register pointer
for(int i=0; i<7; i++)
void DS1307::get(int *rtc, boolean refresh) // Aquire data from buffer and convert to int, refresh buffer if required
if(refresh) read();
for(int i=0;i<7;i++) // cycle through each component, create array of data
_ rtc*=get(i, 0);
int DS1307::get(int c, boolean refresh) // aquire individual RTC item from buffer, return as int, refresh buffer if required
if(refresh) read();
int v=-1;
case DS1307_SEC:
v=(10((rtc_bcd[DS1307_SEC] & DS1307_HI_SEC)>>4))+(rtc_bcd[DS1307_SEC] & DS1307_LO_BCD);

* break;*
case DS1307_MIN:
v=(10*((rtc_bcd[DS1307_MIN] & DS1307_HI_MIN)>>4))+(rtc_bcd[DS1307_MIN] & DS1307_LO_BCD);
* break;*
case DS1307_HR:
v=(10*((rtc_bcd[DS1307_HR] & DS1307_HI_HR)>>4))+(rtc_bcd[DS1307_HR] & DS1307_LO_BCD);
* break;*
case DS1307_DOW:
* v=rtc_bcd[DS1307_DOW] & DS1307_LO_DOW;
_ break;_
case DS1307_DATE:
v=(10((rtc_bcd[DS1307_DATE] & DS1307_HI_DATE)>>4))+(rtc_bcd[DS1307_DATE] & DS1307_LO_BCD);

* break;*
case DS1307_MTH:
v=(10*((rtc_bcd[DS1307_MTH] & DS1307_HI_MTH)>>4))+(rtc_bcd[DS1307_MTH] & DS1307_LO_BCD);
* break;*
case DS1307_YR:
v=(10*((rtc_bcd[DS1307_YR] & DS1307_HI_YR)>>4))+(rtc_bcd[DS1307_YR] & DS1307_LO_BCD)+DS1307_BASE_YR;
* break;*
} // end switch
return v;
void DS1307::set(int c, int v) // Update buffer, then update the chip
case DS1307_SEC:
* if(v<60 && v>-1)*
* {*
* //preserve existing clock state (running/stopped)*
* int state=rtc_bcd[DS1307_SEC] & DS1307_CLOCKHALT;
rtc_bcd[DS1307_SEC]=state | ((v / 10)<<4) + (v % 10);
_ }
case DS1307_MIN:
if(v<60 && v>-1)
rtc_bcd[DS1307_MIN]=((v / 10)<<4) + (v % 10);
_ }
case DS1307_HR:
// TODO : AM/PM 12HR/24HR*
* if(v<24 && v>-1)
rtc_bcd[DS1307_HR]=((v / 10)<<4) + (v % 10);
_ }
case DS1307_DOW:
if(v<8 && v>-1)
_ }
case DS1307_DATE:
if(v<31 && v>-1)
rtc_bcd[DS1307_DATE]=((v / 10)<<4) + (v % 10);
_ }
case DS1307_MTH:
if(v<13 && v>-1)
rtc_bcd[DS1307_MTH]=((v / 10)<<4) + (v % 10);
_ }
case DS1307_YR:
if(v<13 && v>-1)
rtc_bcd[DS1307_YR]=((v / 10)<<4) + (v % 10);
_ }
} // end switch*
void DS1307::stop(void)
* // set the ClockHalt bit high to stop the rtc*
* // this bit is part of the seconds byte*
* rtc_bcd[DS1307_SEC]=rtc_bcd[DS1307_SEC] | DS1307_CLOCKHALT;*
* save();
void DS1307::start(void)
// unset the ClockHalt bit to start the rtc*
* // TODO : preserve existing seconds*
* rtc_bcd[DS1307_SEC]=0;*
* save();

I had trouble getting HK's 1307 library to work, even though it compiled. Try this one rather.

I had trouble getting HK's 1307 library to work, even though it compiled. Try this one rather.

I get error. tmElements_t tm; was not declare in this scope

Where is the library installed ?

It is installed in arduino/libraries

I get error. tmElements_t tm; was not declare in this scope

Try run the code in the library examples folder.

It is installed in arduino/libraries

Can you please give the full path as the Arduino installation has two libraries folders ?

Try run the code in the library examples folder.

Yes I run the 2 examples in the library. I get both error.

Can you please give the full path as the Arduino installation has two libraries folders ?

What do you mean sir? Sorry I don't get it. I'm Just new in using arduino.

Yes I run the 2 examples in the library. I get both error.

Well I just this minute compiled both SetTime and ReadTest in DS1307RTC's Examples folder and they're clean.

I can't run them right now since my Uno is busy logging the temp and humidity as a test but I know they both work, I used them recently.

Well I just this minute compiled both SetTime and ReadTest in DS1307RTC's Examples folder and they're clean.

I can't run them right now since my Uno is busy logging the temp and humidity as a test but I know they both work, I used them recently.

Anymore DS1307 Library? I cannot compile it. Or what does that error means? I just really need this for my final project.

What do you mean sir? Sorry I don't get it. I'm Just new in using arduino.

Read this Installing Arduino libraries
Is the DS1307 library in the correct folder for your Operating System and does it have the correct name ?

Does this help?

It looks like the library didn't get included or compiled properly. Is it showing any other errors? Fix those and it will probably work.

No other errors. What should I do? or do you have any library for RTC DS1307. Thaanks

Read this Installing Arduino libraries
Is the DS1307 library in the correct folder for your Operating System and does it have the correct name ?

I just read the Libraries installation. And my library was properly installed and correct. In fact my other downloaded libraries work.

If you have your library declared like this....

#include <DS1307RTC.h>

....try this:

#include "DS1307RTC.h"

(Or the other way round.)

Where you have installed, ie the sketchbook or the Arduino install folder, matters.