DS3231 best library to manage alarm

I'am making an alarm clock with Arduino UNO and DS3231 component.
Can you suggest me an update Library for DS3231 I2C to work with date/time/alarm?

Thanks in advance.

Using the words "Library for DS3231 I2C" entered into my favortire internet engine provided me with a list of libraries to choose from. After that it is a matter of looking through the libraries for things such as last updated and methods listed. Pick a few and give them a test to see if the libraries meet your requirements.

Check out the DS3232RTC library by J Christensen.

On that page there's also a link to an 'alarm-primer' that he wrote.


Thank you Floresta fou your suggested library.
The problem that I have got is: I can't disabled alarm on my DS3231.

I set the alarm1 for example.
The alarm is triggered at the right time but then I can't disabled it to prevent next triggered.

Can you suggest my something or post an example sketch please?

I haven't worked with the DS3231 alarms in a few years and when I did I didn't use a library. If you are comfortable with dealing with the clock registers directly here is some of what I found in my archives:

// ======================== DS3231 RTC related code ======================
void setAlarmRTC()
  Wire.begin(); // enable I2C communications  
  clearAlarms(); // get rid of any old Alarm settings
  setAlarm2EveryMinute(); // set Alarm 2
  // enable interrupt from Alarm 2 and turn clock oscillator on
  //    enable interrupt from Alarm 2
  //    enable interrupts from the clock
  //    make sure the clock is running

/*      DS3231 Control Register
        0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 
        | | | | | | | |_____ (A1IE)  - disable Alarm 1 interrupt
        | | | | | | |_______ (A2IE)  - enable Alarm 2 interrupt
        | | | | | |_________ (INTCN) - enable interrupts from alarms
        | | | | |___________ (RS1)   - 1 Hz square wave (if enabled)
        | | | |_____________ (RS2)   - 
        | | |_______________ (CONV)  - do not read chip temperature
        | |_________________ (BBSQW) - disable square wave output
        |___________________ (EOSC)  - enable oscillator (low turns clock on)
  Wire.beginTransmission(addr_DS3231); // access RTC
  Wire.write(0x0E); // point to Control register
  Wire.write(0b00000110); // write bitmap to register
  clearA2F(); // clear the Alarm 2 flag   

// .......................................................................
void clearAlarms()
  // clear Alarm 1 
  Wire.write(uint8_t(0x07)); // lowest Alarm 1 register
  // clear Alarm 2 
  Wire.write(uint8_t(0x0b)); // lowest Alarm 2 register

// .......................................................................
void setAlarm2EveryMinute()
  // set Alarm 2 to generate an alarm (interrupt) every minute
  Wire.write(uint8_t(0x0b)); // lowest Alarm 2 register
  // Alarm once per minute (00 seconds of every minute)
  Wire.write(uint8_t(0b10000000));   // A2M2 set --> ignore minutes bits
  Wire.write(uint8_t(0b10000000));   // A2M3 set --> ignore hours bits
  Wire.write(uint8_t(0b10000000));   // A2M4 set --> ignore day/date bits

// .......................................................................
//clear A2F
void clearA2F()
  Wire.write(0x0F); // Status register
  Wire.requestFrom(addr_DS3231, 1); // get one byte
    byte tmp = Wire.read(); // get current status
    bitClear(tmp, 1); // clear the Alarm 2 Flag
    Wire.write(tmp); // write new status


Hello. Sorry for my intrusion, but can you explain why use this routine:

//clear A2F
void clearA2F()
  Wire.write(0x0F); // Status register
  Wire.requestFrom(addr_DS3231, 1); // get one byte
    byte tmp = Wire.read(); // get current status
    bitClear(tmp, 1); // clear the Alarm 2 Flag
    Wire.write(tmp); // write new status

Couldn't be like void clearAlarms()?

void clearA2F()
  Wire.write(uint8_t(0x0F)); // Status register

Thanks in advance!

Hello. Sorry for my intrusion, but can you explain why use this routine:
. . .

Sorry - I wrote that several years ago and I really don't remember.

Actually I don't even remember what I had for breakfast yesterday - it gets worse as you get older.


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Hahaha don't worry. I'll see more references about.


There is a pair of libraries TIME and TIME ALARMS. The latter needs the former. I haven't used them for years but they seemed to do everything.