Morgen Leute.
Würdet ihr mir bitte helfen?
Ich nutze von RinkyDink die Library "DS3231" für die entsprechende RTC. Als Board ist ein Zero mit SAMD21 abgeschlossen (via SDA und SCL) und auch so ausgewählt.
Leider funktioniet in dieser Konstellation nicht einmal der Beispielsketch (wohlgemerkt, dass auf dem Uno alles problemlos funktioniert):
// DS3231_Serial_Easy
// Copyright (C)2015 Rinky-Dink Electronics, Henning Karlsen. All right reserved
// web:
// A quick demo of how to use my DS3231-library to
// quickly send time and date information over a serial link
// To use the hardware I2C (TWI) interface of the Arduino you must connect
// the pins as follows:
// Arduino Uno/2009:
// ----------------------
// DS3231: SDA pin -> Arduino Analog 4 or the dedicated SDA pin
// SCL pin -> Arduino Analog 5 or the dedicated SCL pin
// Arduino Leonardo:
// ----------------------
// DS3231: SDA pin -> Arduino Digital 2 or the dedicated SDA pin
// SCL pin -> Arduino Digital 3 or the dedicated SCL pin
// Arduino Mega:
// ----------------------
// DS3231: SDA pin -> Arduino Digital 20 (SDA) or the dedicated SDA pin
// SCL pin -> Arduino Digital 21 (SCL) or the dedicated SCL pin
// Arduino Due:
// ----------------------
// DS3231: SDA pin -> Arduino Digital 20 (SDA) or the dedicated SDA1 (Digital 70) pin
// SCL pin -> Arduino Digital 21 (SCL) or the dedicated SCL1 (Digital 71) pin
// The internal pull-up resistors will be activated when using the
// hardware I2C interfaces.
// You can connect the DS3231 to any available pin but if you use any
// other than what is described above the library will fall back to
// a software-based, TWI-like protocol which will require exclusive access
// to the pins used, and you will also have to use appropriate, external
// pull-up resistors on the data and clock signals.
#include <DS3231.h>
// Init the DS3231 using the hardware interface
DS3231 rtc(SDA, SCL);
void setup()
// Setup Serial connection
// Uncomment the next line if you are using an Arduino Leonardo
//while (!Serial) {}
// Initialize the rtc object
// The following lines can be uncommented to set the date and time
//rtc.setDOW(WEDNESDAY); // Set Day-of-Week to SUNDAY
//rtc.setTime(12, 0, 0); // Set the time to 12:00:00 (24hr format)
//rtc.setDate(1, 1, 2014); // Set the date to January 1st, 2014
void loop()
// Send Day-of-Week
Serial.print(" ");
// Send date
Serial.print(" -- ");
// Send time
// Wait one second before repeating :)
delay (1000);
Arduino: 1.8.7 (Windows 10), Board: "Arduino/Genuino Zero (Native USB Port)"
In file included from C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\libraries\DS3231\examples\Arduino\DS3231_Serial_Easy\DS3231_Serial_Easy.ino:41:0:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\libraries\DS3231/DS3231.h:120:3: error: 'Twi' does not name a type
Twi *twi;
exit status 1
Fehler beim Kompilieren für das Board Arduino/Genuino Zero (Native USB Port).
Dieser Bericht wäre detaillierter, wenn die Option
"Ausführliche Ausgabe während der Kompilierung"
in Datei -> Voreinstellungen aktiviert wäre.
Ein Blick in die DS3231.h hilft mir leider nicht weiter. Dort ist zu erkennen, dass die Lib - sofern ein ARM-Prozessor(?) als Ziel definiert ist - eine Instanz von Twi anlegen soll, wenn ich das richtig verstanden habe:
DS3231.cpp - Arduino/chipKit library support for the DS3231 I2C Real-Time Clock
Copyright (C)2015 Rinky-Dink Electronics, Henning Karlsen. All right reserved
This library has been made to easily interface and use the DS3231 RTC with
an Arduino or chipKit.
You can find the latest version of the library at
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 license.
Please see the included documents for further information.
Commercial use of this library requires you to buy a license that
will allow commercial use. This includes using the library,
modified or not, as a tool to sell products.
The license applies to all part of the library including the
examples and tools supplied with the library.
#ifndef DS3231_h
#define DS3231_h
#if defined(__AVR__)
#include "Arduino.h"
#include "hardware/avr/HW_AVR_defines.h"
#elif defined(__PIC32MX__)
#include "WProgram.h"
#include "hardware/pic32/HW_PIC32_defines.h"
#elif defined(__arm__)
#include "Arduino.h"
#include "hardware/arm/HW_ARM_defines.h"
#define DS3231_ADDR_R 0xD1
#define DS3231_ADDR_W 0xD0
#define DS3231_ADDR 0x68
#define FORMAT_SHORT 1
#define FORMAT_LONG 2
#define MONDAY 1
#define TUESDAY 2
#define WEDNESDAY 3
#define THURSDAY 4
#define FRIDAY 5
#define SATURDAY 6
#define SUNDAY 7
#define SQW_RATE_1 0
#define SQW_RATE_1K 1
#define SQW_RATE_4K 2
#define SQW_RATE_8K 3
#define OUTPUT_SQW 0
#define OUTPUT_INT 1
class Time
uint8_t hour;
uint8_t min;
uint8_t sec;
uint8_t date;
uint8_t mon;
uint16_t year;
uint8_t dow;
class DS3231
DS3231(uint8_t data_pin, uint8_t sclk_pin);
void begin();
Time getTime();
void setTime(uint8_t hour, uint8_t min, uint8_t sec);
void setDate(uint8_t date, uint8_t mon, uint16_t year);
void setDOW();
void setDOW(uint8_t dow);
char *getTimeStr(uint8_t format=FORMAT_LONG);
char *getDateStr(uint8_t slformat=FORMAT_LONG, uint8_t eformat=FORMAT_LITTLEENDIAN, char divider='.');
char *getDOWStr(uint8_t format=FORMAT_LONG);
char *getMonthStr(uint8_t format=FORMAT_LONG);
long getUnixTime(Time t);
void enable32KHz(bool enable);
void setOutput(byte enable);
void setSQWRate(int rate);
float getTemp();
uint8_t _scl_pin;
uint8_t _sda_pin;
uint8_t _burstArray[7];
boolean _use_hw;
void _sendStart(byte addr);
void _sendStop();
void _sendAck();
void _sendNack();
void _waitForAck();
uint8_t _readByte();
void _writeByte(uint8_t value);
void _burstRead();
uint8_t _readRegister(uint8_t reg);
void _writeRegister(uint8_t reg, uint8_t value);
uint8_t _decode(uint8_t value);
uint8_t _decodeH(uint8_t value);
uint8_t _decodeY(uint8_t value);
uint8_t _encode(uint8_t vaule);
#if defined(__arm__)
Twi *twi;
Könnt ihr mir sagen, wie ich das Problem löse? Die Meldung mit Twi führt bei Google zu nicht einem einzigen Treffer...
Liebe Grüße