Ds323x library for ds3231 RTC

Hi all, I am using the DS323x example in the library manager for setting time and date on the ds3231 RTC. All I am getting on the serial monitor is a series of question marks. There must be something wrong with the coding. Here it is;

#include <DS323x.h>

DS323x rtc;

void setup()

    rtc.now(DateTime(2020, 11, 23, 14, 23, 45));

void loop()
    DateTime now = rtc.now();

It compiled ok. Does anybody know why it is not printing out the date and time as set?

What baud rate do you have the Serial monitor set to ?

Working now Bob. I saw a baud rate at the bottom of my screen which didn't coincide with the 115200 baud rate shown in the setup. You would think that the compiling of the program would set a baud rate shown in the set up. Anyway I set the baud rate shown at the bottom of the screen to 115200 and are now getting the same readings as set in the setup in the serial monitor.
As long as I keep the serial monitor on the time is being updated. When you turn the serial monitor off the time is no longer updated. I have no battery installed in the DS3231 at the moment. I am waiting for delivery of a rechargeable one LIR 2032. I understand that there is a charging circuit in the 3231 which would destroy a non-rechargeable battery.
I have looked at all the libraries for DS3231 already on the Arduino. This is the best in terms of simplicity. I am programming the Nano board with the above program.

Why? The compiler does not not care. And it might very well be that you use a different serial port (including SoftwareSerial) for communication with the PC so how could the compiler (or IDE) possibly guess.

True. You could also modify the circuit; see ZS-042 DS3231 RTC module