Dual axis don’t go backwards DIY CNC

Hello everyone, I’new here I’m sercing for some help with stepper motor controlling.

I’ve tried for a few entires days with no results at all exlcuding everything i could find online for similar problems

I am building a cnc basing on this instrutables

I have everything set up as he did in the guide

But when i try to make everything move from universal gcode sender or even from the arduino ide serial port everything works apart from the double Y axis that doesn’t go backwards, never ever got it working.

I’ve tried many things to check possibile problems when i disconnect one of the two motors of the dual axis they immediatly work in both ways but when i connect them togheder only forward.

Ps one motor needs to be inverted and i did it inverting the cables (but even with cables put in the dame position they only gl forward)

Also sometimes theo there stepperà makes wired noises while going backwards or dont work at all… i’m pretty confused

At the moment I’m running it with no limit switches to try not to ad too many variables to my problem
My four Tb6600 stepper drivers are set up for 2.8Amps output and 1/8 step I tried also different steps or different Amps

I’ using a GEEKCREDIT arduino board can it be the problem?

I also tried using other drivers (the x and z that works) but WHEN I HAVE TWO MOTORS GOING THE OTHER WAY NOTHING HAPPENS

Motors are nema 23 https://www.amazon.it/gp/aw/d/B06XVC23Z7?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title.

Running grbl 1.1 with dual axis selection enabled end Y_AXIS select I’ve tried also with the clone axis config on pins 12 and 13 but couldn’t get it to work either

I have soft and hard limit disabled

Hope i provided you all info, thank you for your support

Please read the topic "How to get the best out of this forum". Tons of text is not the advice.
What is Your wiring? Schematics please.
What's Your code/commands to the stepper driver?
Looking through an entire project takes time that helpers might not be prepaired to spend on Your question.

Thank you for tour feedback,
Here it is my setup

Geekcredit board (arduino uno)
Tb 6600 stepper controller
Nema 23 stepper 23HS22-2804S

As power supply i have 24v 10 amps

I have uploaded on the board grbl 1.1 un commentino the following Lines




Here is my wiring

What happens when ordering Y axis go backwards? They go forward or stop?
Try and mechanical disconnect one Y stepper and try backwards? Any move on any Y stepper? Swap Y steppers and test. Any bwd movement.
Another test: Skip the double axle definition. Try using only one Y stepper, having the other mechanically disconnected.
Can there possibly be a mistake in the Gcode?

Thank you for replying,
I Made a pot of test to check everything and i stil cant figure out the problem …

What i noti e is that the problems starti when i plug the “direction” cable in to telo the motor in they need to go backwards

When just one motor is connected everithing works fine but at the Moment i connect the “dir” pin of the second motor and try to go backwards they just stop.

I “fixied” this problem using a one motor configuration and connecting two Motors to the same tb6600, i know it is not the best but for the moment is fine… it works…

Just after trying that the singol motor X axis had the same problem… only going forward and when i try backwards it moves a little making some noises

Ehh... Can You fix this sentence? I don't get it....

Did You test: One Y stepper mechanically disconnected? Do both rotate?

What is the rating of the driver/stepper power supply?

Have You verified that the inputs to the controller is in the inactive state?

Make sure both Y steppers use the same kind of step.

Try and use only one Y stepper at the time. Disconnect step and dir for the inactive stepper as well as the mechanical connection.

Internally, externally or both?

I’m sorry for long messages that I am writing but I’m trying by best to explain everyting about my problem

[quote="Railroader, post:6, topic:1068667"]
Have You verified that the inputs to the controller is in the inactive state?
[/quote] no, I just disabled them, but i should have a look at how to do it

Sorry, it the automatic italian corrector
When i have only the “pulse” pin plugghed in arduino the motor works fine … obviously in only one direction but they work in everything config i make… if i plug the “direction” the problem starts for example now it is happening on the X axis that has never had problems before… going forward is ok bakwards is making some strange noises and not moving by mutch

Yes meccanically disconnecting the two pins of one stepper one goes two ways, the other one only one way… I’ve mad so many tests that i don’t remember every combination I’ll test again that motor with different tb driver and in different pins

The problem is that somehow mixing output pins motors and stepper driver to make hardware check everything works…but not all the times so i can’t find a real problem some thing broken for example. I know sounds strange

I have disabled that from universal gcode sender and also in the arduino ide… using serial port they are disabled

You have a lot of possibilities for faults. Precision is needed but I don't feel that's the case. Words like "disconnect" are traps. Disconnected from and where etc...

You have made a lot of testing but each such case would need both schematics and Gcode.... Else they hard to use for helpers.

I suggest You strip down the entire build and start verifying one axle at the time. Remember fixing the end stops!

What's the rating of the power supply?

Thank you,
I think I will need to start the wiring from scratch and see what will come out

As a power supply I’m using a 24V 10 A i noticed that the stepper I’m using are slightly different form the one suggested in te guide but I think 24V is fine … could you help me in that?

This are the Motors I’m using

This is the power supply on Amazon https://www.amazon.it/LEDMO-Alimentatore-Interruttore-Trasformatore-Alimentazione/dp/B0896XTJ14?pd_rd_w=i5M4E&content-id=amzn1.sym.92448683-7db6-4e87-8f70-c0f6200cce2c&pf_rd_p=92448683-7db6-4e87-8f70-c0f6200cce2c&pf_rd_r=EJTF6PAEZB0NNJZMRHNJ&pd_rd_wg=JlOYd&pd_rd_r=a0edd3b9-6fd9-4c8c-bbdc-1f6d177df0a6&pd_rd_i=B0896XTJ14&psc=1&ref_=pd_bap_m_grid_rp_0_5_t

Please post a real schematic. If you absolutely insist on posting a Fritzing diagram, at least provide an image with sufficient resolution. That one is all fuzzy. It is also incomplete, there are blue lines running off the diagram.

Do you realize the motors are 2.8 amps per phase/winding? Each has two windings that may or may not be active at the same time. That is 5.6 amps per motor. With 4 motors, you far exceed what the poor power supply can supply.

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That's a sales site, not a technical site with datasheet, but it's okey this time.

I would go for more amps running 4 motors. Know that steppers draw current all the time, actually the most when not moving. 4 motors x 2.8 Amps, and each stepper might pull 5.6 Amps in micro stepping. I suggest a 20 Amp supply or more.

Start by connecting and running the X axle. Then do the same for Z.
Then try ONE Y axle stepper. If this works, add the second Y stepper.

My personal experience with those Chinese power supplies is they can supply the rated voltage and they can supply the rated current. BUT they cannot do both at the same time!

That was the on took from the site, i have just realised it is cut… but you can follow the colors

Or, I can do something more productive. I think I will.

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Thanks for that tip!
Recently one stepper, 2.8 Amp and 24 volt, 10 Amp, via a TB6600 gave 15 - 30% extra steps. Running from a 12 volt supply it worked like a charm. Chinese supplies of course.....

I’m pretty new to this world so i don’t know mutch about… could it be the lack of power that is not making the motor turn the other way?

Thank you for tour support :+1:

It is more than possible. Use the recipe suggested above, installing and verifying one stepper at the time......

Many thanks, I will give it a try.
And as you suggested going to buy another more powerfoul power supply maybe 25A

So you think it would be best to use a 12V 20/25A?