Hello everyone, I’new here I’m sercing for some help with stepper motor controlling.
I’ve tried for a few entires days with no results at all exlcuding everything i could find online for similar problems
I am building a cnc basing on this instrutables
I have everything set up as he did in the guide
But when i try to make everything move from universal gcode sender or even from the arduino ide serial port everything works apart from the double Y axis that doesn’t go backwards, never ever got it working.
I’ve tried many things to check possibile problems when i disconnect one of the two motors of the dual axis they immediatly work in both ways but when i connect them togheder only forward.
Ps one motor needs to be inverted and i did it inverting the cables (but even with cables put in the dame position they only gl forward)
Also sometimes theo there stepperà makes wired noises while going backwards or dont work at all… i’m pretty confused
At the moment I’m running it with no limit switches to try not to ad too many variables to my problem
My four Tb6600 stepper drivers are set up for 2.8Amps output and 1/8 step I tried also different steps or different Amps
I’ using a GEEKCREDIT arduino board can it be the problem?
I also tried using other drivers (the x and z that works) but WHEN I HAVE TWO MOTORS GOING THE OTHER WAY NOTHING HAPPENS
Motors are nema 23 https://www.amazon.it/gp/aw/d/B06XVC23Z7?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title.
Running grbl 1.1 with dual axis selection enabled end Y_AXIS select I’ve tried also with the clone axis config on pins 12 and 13 but couldn’t get it to work either
I have soft and hard limit disabled
Hope i provided you all info, thank you for your support