DUE and pressure sensor with I2C

i have arduino due board and i want to integrate pressure sensor MPL3115A2 from sparkfun with my board.the interface is I2C.i burned the following code given on the sparkfun website but it doesnt work on my board.help me out.

MPL3115A2 Altitude Sensor Example
SparkFun Electronics, A.Weiss, 7/17/2012
Beerware License - whatever

Hardware Connections:
-VCC = 3.3V
-SDA = A4, SCL = A5
-INT pins can be left unconnected for this demo

-Serial terminal at 9600bps
-Prints altitude in meters, temperature in degrees C, with 1/16
-software enabled interrupt on new data, ~1Hz with full resolution
-the IIC_support file contains the IIC read and write functions
-IIC_support.ino is just another .ion sketch that holds functions
that do not need to be modified.


#include <Wire.h> // for IIC communication

const int SENSORADDRESS = 0x60; // address specific to the MPL3115A1,
// value found in datasheet
void setup()
Wire.begin(); // join i2c bus
Serial.begin(9600); // start serial for output

// This is a basic II2 communication check. If the sensor doesn't
// return decicmal number 196 (see 0x0C register in datasheet),
// "IIC bad" is printed, otherwise nothing happens.
if(IIC_Read(0x0C) == 196); //checks who_am_i bit for basic I2C handshake test
else Serial.println("i2c bad");

// Enable and configure the sensor.

void loop()
// your code here

boolean check_new()
// This function check to see if there is new data.
// You can call this function and it will return TRUE if there is
// new data and FALSE if there is no new data.

// If INT_SOURCE (0x12) register's DRDY flag is enabled, return
if(IIC_Read(0x12) == 0x80) // check INT_SOURCE register on
// new data ready (SRC_DRDY)
return true;
else return false;

void sensor_config()
// To configure the sensor, find the register hex value and
// enter it into the first field of IIC_Write (see below). Then
// fingure out the hex value of the data you want to send.
// For example:
// For CTRL_REG1, the address is 0x26 and the data is 0xB9
// 0xB9 corresponds to binary 1011 1001. Each place holder
// represents a data field in CTRL_REG1.

// CTRL_REG1 (0x26): enable sensor, oversampling, altimeter mode
IIC_Write(0x26, 0xB9);

// CTRL_REG4 (0x29): Data ready interrupt enbabled
IIC_Write(0x29, 0x80);

// PT_DATA_CFG (0x13): enable both pressure and temp event flags
IIC_Write(0x13, 0x07);

// This configuration option calibrates the sensor according to
// the sea level pressure for the measurement location

// BAR_IN_MSB (0x14):
IIC_Write(0x14, 0xC6);

// BAR_IN_LSB (0x15):
IIC_Write(0x15, 0x5B);

void sensor_read_data()
// This function reads the altitude and temperature registers, then
// concatenates the data together, and prints in values of
// meters for altitude and degrees C for temperature.

// variables for the calculations
int m_altitude, m_temp, c_altitude;
// these must be floats since there is a fractional calculation
float l_altitude, l_temp;
float altitude, temperature;

// read registers 0x01 through 0x05
m_altitude = IIC_Read(0x01);
c_altitude = IIC_Read(0x02);
// the least significant bytes l_altitude and l_temp are 4-bit,
// fractional values, so you must cast the calulation in (float),
// shift the value over 4 spots to the right and divide by 16 (since
// there are 16 values in 4-bits).
l_altitude = (float)(IIC_Read(0x03)>>4)/16.0;
m_temp = IIC_Read(0x04); //temp, degrees
l_temp = (float)(IIC_Read(0x05)>>4)/16.0; //temp, fraction of a degree

// here is where we calculate the altitude and temperature
altitude = (float)((m_altitude << 8)|c_altitude) + l_altitude;
temperature = (float)(m_temp + l_temp);

// wait here for new data
while(check_new() == false);

// once there is new data, it is printed
Serial.print(altitude); // in meters
Serial.println(temperature); // in degrees C

// These are the two I2C functions in this sketch.
byte IIC_Read(byte regAddr)
// This function reads one byte over IIC
Wire.write(regAddr); // Address of CTRL_REG1
Wire.endTransmission(false); // Send data to I2C dev with option
// for a repeated start. THIS IS
// NECESSARY and not supported before
// Arduino V1.0.1!!!!!!!!!
Wire.requestFrom(SENSORADDRESS, 1); // Request the data...
return Wire.read();

void IIC_Write(byte regAddr, byte value)
// This function writes one byto over IIC

Which pins are you using for the I2C ?

What does not work ? Do you see the message "i2c bad" ?

i used SDA(20) and SCL (21). yes the serial monitor shows only "i2c bad".
the sensor is not working ,there is nothing on serial monitor except "i2c bad"

Did you connect the GND ?

This is the sensor with the example code, SparkFun Altitude/Pressure Sensor Breakout - MPL3115A2 - SEN-11084 - SparkFun Electronics

If the GNDs are connected, try the i2c scanner, Arduino Playground - I2cScanner
If the i2c scanner does not detect the sensor, check your wiring. If you use a breadboard, some connections might be bad.

i have connected the grnd too.
The connections are
DUE SDA(20) pin to Sensor SDA pin
DUE SCL(21) pin to Sensor SCL pin
VCC of sensor is connected to 3.3Vpin of DUE
GRND of sensor is connected to GRND of DUE.

The I2C scanner is showing "NO I2C Device found".and all connections are right.is there problem with DUE board or what i dont understand.

It seems that I2C is not always working well on the Due.
Do you use the newest 1.5.2 ?
The i2c scanner seems to be not working on the Due.
I don't know if it is fixed in 1.5.2.

I don't have a Due myself, and I don't know how to fix this.