Due as HID Keyboard ,unable to get Windows & Enter Key working;

Hi All,

Am trying to wake up and lock my laptop when i sit and get away from my place using a PIR sensor and Due.

I was successful in Unlocking my PC with DUe as Keyboard,which involves CTRL+ALT+DEL then followed by my password and the'\n' for enter key after typing the password..
It opens automatically .

The problem is opening some applications and unlocking using windows key.

Consider i need to run a exe which turns off my display which is in desktop.

and leave my place in middle of some work.
The process is Windows+D to go to desktop . Then Keyboard.Write "Turnoff.exe" which will go the exe and enter to activate it.

In vain i have tried Keyboard.press(KEY_RETURN); & Keyboard.press(KEY_LEFT_GUI); and '\n' for enter, nothing gives me enter or pops up my window key.

I understand these are keyboard modifier and what is given in Arduio website deosnt work.

I tried googling and returned empty handed.

Am i missing any things..

pls help

Try this:


That should send the keystrokes you described.