DUE CAN interface, CANRx, CANTx


I know that the DUE is extremely new however I was wondering if there was any documentation on the use of the CANTx/Rx pins.

I ask because I am looking to build a Data logger/display which will work with an OTS ECU, something very similar to what is being done with the OBduino and loguino projects, and I was wondering if I should just stick with using a Mega, or if I should invest in the DUE to allow for future expansion. Any info would be appreciated.




we don't have simple code yet but the ASF framework from Atmel provides a C example of how to use it with the SAM3X.

If you want to tackle it I can upload just the can stuff somewhere for you (the package is 149MB zipped but you only need 5 or 6 files)

a lot of the boilerplate code in the example can be removed as arduino provides it


Ah, Thank you for the info. I was able to find an online version of the ASF documentation here:

Thank you very much for pointing me in the right direction, hopefully I will be able to work this into my project.

What you guys do is awesome.

please report back any progess.

As we work regularly with the ATMEL engineers who wrote that 145MB of stuff, if you have issues we can bring them in the discussion.



Will the CAN communication support 11 and 29 bit frame identifier? and when can be supported by Arduino's APIs? Thank you.

when can be supported by Arduino's APIs? Thank you.

when you help us implement it :slight_smile:


You are welcome Mr. Banzi. I'll PM you about it. By the way, for some of my automotive apps, I've been supported by some guys in Mareno di Piave (Treviso). Their CAN modules based on Atmel ARM at91sam7x256 have done a good job for the local market. Ci Vediamo!

BTW don't do this alone.
open a thread on the forum and let everybody help. if you have find an issue with the ATMEL code , post here and I'll get the engineers to comment.




I'm interested in the CAN bus on the Due as well. Can't seem to grab the ATMEL examples from their website though. would anybody with access be kind enough to share those?



I'm very interested too! has been open another thread to support the Arduino due can interface? Who is currently working on it? , git repository ,web site stuff like that, where can I found them.

Hello Zad. Over a month ago, I started a post concerning the building of a CAN API for Arduino Due. Since then, I've built a proto-shield and ran a couple of examples in my Due, accommodated from the ones under SAM3X-EK, but, like Massimo stated, there is a lot of peripheral stuff that needs to be remove and now, we have the help of the ATMEL engineer who wrote the ASF examples with the hope of publishing very soon a workable library and sketches in Github. Please, keep following the post and try to build your transceiver shield. And thanks for you offering to help. You and everybody are welcome to contribute and discuss!


Arduino Due CAN repository in Github: