Due programming port


I try to upload a code to a board using the DUE and programming port.

The problem is when I use a due board with the VID 2341 all is ok, the code is uploaded correctly but when I use a board with the VID 2A03 I have the message "FLASH ID xxx not supported" or a bossac error.
I tried 2 differents due board with VID 2A03 with no success.

I have seen this post : Arduino.org boards not compatible with Arduino.cc drivers - Bar Sport - Arduino Forum
Tried to change USB cable, update drivers, change drivers, nothing works...

I use Arduino V1.8.3 and windows seven.

Do you have any suggestion? Do you think it's a hardware problem?

I guess the issue is with the USB VID of arduino.org inside Atmel16U2 software.

Maybe a Workaround:

Update your 16U2 software

And/or buy DUE clones :slight_smile:

I guess the issue is with the USB VID of arduino.org inside Atmel16U2 software.

Maybe a Workaround:

Update your 16U2 software

And/or buy DUE clones :slight_smile:

Thank you, I will try to update the 16U2 software

What do you mean by buy DUE clones? We ordered the boards onto the official arduino web site

AFAIK there is not this kind of issue with arduino DUE clones.

I have the message "FLASH ID xxx not supported" or a bossac error.

Are you sure you're connected to the correct physical port on the Due? "Flash ID" sounds like an error you'd get if you were talking to the "native usb" port.

Are you sure you're connected to the correct physical port on the Due? "Flash ID" sounds like an error you'd get if you were talking to the "native usb" port.

Yes I'm sure this is the programming port. Also when I try the exact same setup with another DUE board but with VID 2341 there is no problem.

The errors are random, one time I have the Flash ID error, another time it's a bossac error. I have checked the connections, changed the USB cable but nothing works with these 2A03 boards.

I guess the issue is with the USB VID of arduino.org inside Atmel16U2 software.

Maybe a Workaround:

Update your 16U2 software

Arduino/hardware/arduino/sam/firmwares at 976f7588b7f68bd3c5fce52c15ccfe738589085a · arduino/Arduino · GitHub

Modifying the atmega16u2 firmware on the Arduino Due | PeterVH

And/or buy DUE clones :slight_smile:

I updated to 16U2 firmware, the VID is now 2341 (PID 003D)but I still have the error below :

Atmel SMART device 0x3cff0ff0 found
Flash for chip ID 3cff0ff0 is not supported

Any other suggestions?

Thank you!

You might try this:



Finally I found the problem,

I needed to cut the TX PIN (PIN 2) of the ATSAM3X8E on the arduino DUE board.

The target board I was trying to program use the ATSAM3X8E also. I think the problem was there and so cutting the TX PIN on the DUE disconnected it from the 16U2 and resolved all the problems.

Thanks all of you for your support!