Due PWM frequency change for SERVO Library - Urgent help needed

Hi Everyone
I need 4 servo pwm's to run at about 300Hz (rather than at 50 Hz) with(preferable)/with out using the Servo library for my quadcopter. Also, I don't want to change the defualt timer of the system. The timer layout for MEGA is given here Arduino Playground - TimerPWMCheatsheet

Is there any possibility of finding a similar method for the Arduino DUE ?

Please help me out.

Chandra :slight_smile:

me too i need some help
i need to set 4 servo pwm's to run at about 330Hz
also i need to set servo pwm resolution at 12-bit / 4096 step ,, but how :frowning:
do i need to use analogwriteresolution(12)
Have a nice day