Dynamic keyboard with network updates?

I want to design a custom keyboard device to simply tedious data entry on extremely old and off the grid computers.

Basically a lot of data entry is just time and phone numbers. I have a VOIP system which I can grab caller ID off of and put on a mini-server. So basically I want to build an Arduino to act as a HID. I want a button that automatically enters key-press for the current time and buttons that automatically enters the caller ID based at each extension.

Would an ARDUINO MKR1000 WIFI be a good fit? Use the wifi to setup network connection to grab caller ID information and NTP to sync up the internal RTC. Then use the USB port as a HID device to send key-presses to the computer.

You could use a Pro-Micro and an RTC to easily act as an HID device to input the timestamp..

The Caller ID portion I dont quite understand how you would access that.

Just because an Arduino can connect to your network.. how and with what, would it interface with to get this caller ID data?

I have self host telephone system (FreePBX). I can just have it upload a text file of current caller ID for each phone extension and keep it on a FTP server?

Thus I'll need a network connection for the Arduino to grab the caller ID text document on the FTP server and parse out the caller ID I want. I also will need a network connection to implement NTP to sync the time.

I guess my disconnect is HOW is your Arduino going to read and parse this text file located on your network?
(thats what I'm getting at)

But if you have that figured out.. I'll be watching this thread for updates.