Dynamixel Workbench library

I am new to Arduino programming and currently working on a project, to build a mars rover with OpenCR1.0 board and XL430 dynamixels. I am using the dynamixel SDK and workbench library and I am finding it difficult to understand the code. I face few issues with uploading code to the board and somehow solved it.

But now the problem is the board functions fine if I use the example files and board gives a usb not recognized error if I upload a code that created. I have attached the code which causes the error. Could you please check the code and point out is there a problem in the code.

Someone please explain what does *log in the codes used in dynamixel workbench library.

Hoping to get information from guys with some experience.

Thanks a lot

wheel_mode.ino (772 Bytes)

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OP's wheel_mode.ino sketch:

#include <DynamixelWorkbench.h>

#if defined(__OPENCM904__)
#define DEVICE_NAME "3" //Dynamixel on Serial3(USART3)  <-OpenCM 485EXP
#elif defined(__OPENCR__)
#define DEVICE_NAME ""

#define BAUDRATE  57600
#define DXL_ID    10

DynamixelWorkbench dxl;
Dynamixel2Arduino dx1A;

void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:
  const char *log;
  uint8_t dxl_id = DXL_ID;

  //dxl.wheelMode(DXL_ID, 0, &log);


void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
  uint8_t dxl_id = DXL_ID;
  dxl.goalVelocity(dxl_id, (int32_t) - 100);
  dxl.goalVelocity(dxl_id, (int32_t)0);



The log in the code above is basically a null statement. it is a part of the Dynamixel workbench and you can find out more about the workbench on the Robotis eManual.

If you are having a lot of difficulties you can also contact their customer support CS@robotis.com or post an issue to their Github page they are pretty responcive.