E-paper Display Holitech 7.5 inch

I am currently working on 7.5 Holitech paper display the documentation are fairly similar to waveshare. When I try to run Gxepd2 lib or waveshare lib nothing happens. I am linking the manual if someone has any advice.

I am currently working on 7.5 Holitech paper display the documentation are fairly similar to waveshare. When I try to run Gxepd2 lib or waveshare lib nothing happens. I am linking the manual if someone has any advice.

HINK-E075A12-A1 Spec (2).pdf - Google Drive

Don't PM me!

provide all info, link to display, connection board, processor board, and constructor line used for GxEPD2.

I am sorry didn´t mean to upset you. I am using Arduino uno and esp32 with a e-paper Hat. I tested Gxepd2 on 2.13 wave share display and it worked fine. I tried to alter the code to suit the 7.5inch Holitech display but no good everything compiles but no output on the display.

Holitech 7.5inch Manual HINK-E075A12-A1 Spec (2).pdf - Google Drive

You didn't answer all questions. I see UC8159 in the specs, therefore it has the same controller.
I am too lazy to check if the connector pins are identical, this can be verified by you.
You could observe diagnostic output in Serial Monitor, to check if BUSY times are reasonable.
Post diagnostic output in a code window, </>-command symbol.

Post a link to the e-paper HAT used. If it is the Arduino shield, you need to connect the VCC pin to 5V on Arduino, to 3.3V on ESP32 (but this results in marginal voltage to the e-paper panel).

E-paper HAT link https://www.waveshare.com/2.13inch-e-paper-hat-d.htm also will send a screen shot of it.

As everything stand BUSY -> 7, RST -> 9, DC -> 8, CS-> 10, CLK -> 13, DIN -> 11, VCC->5 , GND->GND

Output from the serial monitor </⸮⸮⸮⸮⸮⸮e⸮⸮⸮⸮⸮⸮⸮⸮⸮⸮⸮⸮L⸮L⸮⸮S⸮S⸮⸮⸮⸮e⸮x⸮⸮⸮⸮⸮⸮L⸮⸮⸮⸮⸮LS⸮⸮⸮⸮⸮⸮⸮⸮⸮⸮⸮⸮⸮L⸮⸮S⸮⸮S⸮L⸮x⸮S⸮⸮⸮z⸮O?x⸮⸮⸮m⸮K⸮⸮⸮⸮⸮> after running GxEPD2_BW<GxEPD2_750 from arduino also will attach a screen shot.

I will look another look at the pin-out.

Thanks for your input and sorry again about earlier. If you more info please let me know

GxEPD2 communicates its diagnostic output with a baud rate of 115200 to the serial connection. You need to set the Serial Monitor to the same baud rate. The HAT should be ok, and the settings of the switches also.

The flex connector looks different. This might be the cause.

Ok, Thanks. Should i just buy the IC UC8159 ?.

Also the output from the monitor goes like that.

_PowerOn : 8
_Update_Full : 8
_PowerOff : 8
_PowerOn : 8
_Update_Part : 4
_Update_Part : 8
_Update_Part : 8
_Update_Full : 4
_PowerOff : 8
_PowerOn : 8
_Update_Part : 8
_Update_Part : 4
_Update_Part : 8
_Update_Part : 4
_Update_Part : 8
_Update_Part : 8
_Update_Part : 8
_Update_Part : 4
_Update_Part : 4
_Update_Part : 8
_Update_Part : 8

Should i just buy the IC UC8159 ?.

What do you mean by this? It is the name of the controller on the e-paper panel.
Good Display uses a different name for the same controller; but UC8159 was also left somewhere in their specs.

The diagnostics show that your display doesn't work, the values show BUSY is inactive constantly.
Most likely the controller doesn't receive any commands. Did you check if the SPI signals are on the same pin?

Ok, i will have a look into SPI signal. Thanks

Did you check if the SPI signals are on the same pin?

Did you mean the wire SPI connection to the controller or sth else. I tested the connection on the 2.13 waveshare display and it worked fine but when it comes to the 7.5 holitech the display is unresponsive. I have gone throw the manuals they are fairly similar. Sorry, for asking many question i am quite new to thisfield.

The Waveshare 7.5" 640x384 b/w panel is from Good Display: 7.5 inch E-paper large display 640x384 SPI GDEW075T8

The specs are available here: GDEW075T8 V3.1 Specification

Download the specs and compare the pins on page 7 with the Holitech specs.

At first sight it looks the same. But you can compare in detail.
No, gate and source voltages seem exchanged. This will not work!

I can't help you with your panel, as I don't have it.

Ok, thanks for your help.

I changed the pins but still no response from the display. I was able to get in touch with holi-tech they sent me a piece of code that is used to display white and black screen to test the ePD using Solomon micro-controller. The resister and pins looks fairly similar to waveshare lib and Gxepd. I will attach the code link.

I got an ePD from Holitech which is a new product with virtually no support. The display manual from holitech

The manual is quite similar to the manual from waveshare.


Both have the same driver UC8179 and Resolution and so on.I tried testing the display with Gxepd and Gxepd2 and also Waveshare libs. I testied using different controllers uno, mege, esp32 and pi.

I got a busy timeout msg with the gxepd libs same as with pi on the serial monitor and with the waveshare libs I got no response.

I am using the connector from waveshare connector .

Any ideas on how to proceed

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I just discovered from the HINK-E075A41-A0 Spec.pdf specs that the HINK-E075A41 has a different resolution than the panel from Good Display with the same controller:

General Description HINK-E075A41 is an Active Matrix Electrophoretic Display (AMEPD), with interface and a reference
system design. The7.5” active area contains 800×480 pixels, and has 1-bit B/W full display capabilities. An
integrated circuit contains gate buffer, source buffer, interface, timing control logic, oscillator, DC-DC,
SRAM, LUT, VCOM and border are supplied with each panel.

The 7.5" 800x480 from Good Display uses a different controller.