eagle forcing component in one layer how

I completed schematic for an L293B motor driver in DIP package and asked Eagle to create the board out of. Then I CNC machined the board and soldered components and all ok. The pain was that Eagle chose the connection pins of the IC as vias too, to connect top and bottom of the board.

Is it possible to command Eagle in schematic stage so that when it creates the board, keeps connection tracks to IC pins all in either top or bottom, and for top-bottom connection use separate vias wherever needed?

Most people don't run into this problem because using autoroute is generally frowned upon.

Don't use autoroute, problem solved

Or, adjust the autorouting rules to avoid one layer as much as possible, then manually fix whatever is wrong

Or, create your component with pads that are SMD pads, not through hole pads, but also place a drill in the center of the pad. This technique will give you a lot of DRC errors but who cares

Thank you, I'll sure come to avoiding auto-rout but that would be in a year as first I have to learn how to rout correct by reading some PCB manufacturing books, etc.

For now I'll try solutions you gave by hand, but I didn't expect there is no simple way to command Eagle to keep one component only in one side! O_O