Hey gang,
What am I missing here?
I've created some JST thru hole connectors, (as Newark.com doesn't have these simple thru hole parts) they look great and connect fine - but on the .brd I don't see any names/values. They do appear on the schematic. They do appear in the fields when Properties is selected.
The package was created with 0.1mm Grid.
I've also got these TL1220 Switch with LED, same missing name/value on the .brd problem, AND, I can't make wires connect to the pins, even when I have Pins layer displayed I put the wire right in the middle of it, or place the pin circle dead on top of a working part, like a resistor.
The package was created 1.27mm Grid to mimic the drawing, altho it looks like 0.1" would have been good too.
Schematic has 0.05" grid.
Gotta be something subtle I am missing.
JST-4PIN_1.5MM.lbr (5.92 KB)
JST-2pin-1.5mm.lbr (5.66 KB)
JST-5pin_1.5mm.lbr (6.08 KB)
TL1220-5mm.lbr (8.49 KB)