Easy App to control Arduino...

Hello all.

I want to create a software on my phone for interfacing the arduino and the phone. I want it to be an android app, and I want to communicate through bluetooth. How would be the easiest way to do this without using an existing app or service? I have a small amount of Python experience, but I have no experience with any GUI or visual programming. I am willing to put a bit of time into this, but I want to be able to understand it all and actually learn all the useful skills.

Thank you,

If you want traditional Bluetooth, there are already Bluetooth terminal apps on Android. That's what I used to send simple commands to an Arduino connected to HC-05 Bluetooth. Otherwise, you'd have to write your own app.

If you intend on working with BLE, you'll have to investigate that.

Maybe this RemoteXY Thread or this alternative will be useful.

