I don't know how you can get it to work when tx & rx are connected to vcc & gnd if you connect it
right side up on a clone or upside down on a genuine but whatever. That's really not what this topic is
about so...
They don't connect to Vcc and GND if you flip the board over.
I just noticed that the official FTDI board has the connections written on both sides, they reverse when you turn it over.
The end pin is also labelled GND/BLK. The second pin (the one marked "GND" on that Pro Mini) isn't labelled at all, but they both clearly connect to the ground plane on the board.
See: http://arduino.cc/en/Main/USBSerial
I also have some of these. Both of the pins are labelled "GND" on them.
All in all, I think the evidence is strong that flipping the programmer is OK, no special cable needed. 
(Also: I've been doing it for months and it works...)
Anyway, your pullup resistor & diode solution is a clever idea and I like the low parts count. I will pass that
on to my friend who is using 3.3V stuff.
Mine doesn't have a diode, that's MarkT.
My method was to use (eg.) that for SCK/MOSI and a single resistor plus a clever screen driver on the other three pins (CS/DC/RESET). I don't think I need to connect MISO, I won't be reading anything from the screen.
So have you solved your problem then ?
Yes, it's working at 5V with just 7 resistors (or 5 resistors and two diodes if I use MarkTs method for SCK/MOSI).
Oh ... and a 68 Ohm resistor for the backlight - there's no 3.3V supply on a Pro Mini.