Eclipse Enviroment Setup and User Guide

Eclipse is a Java development enviroment, but its architecture also supports other languages. In this article we will introduce how to use C/C++ development Toolkit CDT) together with Sourcery G++ Lite for ARM EABI to do embedded ARM development work,
We need to install JAVA JDK before install Eclipse. The JAVA JDK can be downloaded from:

After registration, we can download jdk-6u22-windows-i586.exe and install.
Download Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers, it has Eclipse and CDT. The download link is:

Select Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers,

After download, unzip eclipse and run Eclipse.

Install ARM plug-in for Eclipse:

In menu, select Help – > Install New Software, and enter:
in the "work with" address bar:

After several seconds, it will display " GNU ARM C/C++ Development Support", click " GNU ARM C/C++ Development Support", and unclick " Group items by category":

Click "Next" untill "Finish", and wait for the downloading update.

In menu, select " Help – > Install New Software" and enter "" in "work with".
After several seconds, it will display an option " Zylin Embedded CDT". Select it and click "next" until "finish", wait for downloading.

Install Sourcery G + + Lite:
It can be downloaded from:

Select IA32 windows installer.

Download arm-2010q1-188-arm-none-eabi.exe.

After finish installation, we have:

Install remote support by doing: Help – > Install New Software, and select " All Available Sites" in "Work with" pull down menu. Select " Group items by category" option, and select
General Purpose Tools:
Dynamic Languages Toolkit – Remote Development Support
Remote System Explorer End-User Runtime
Remote System Explorer User Actions

and click next to finish the installation.

Create new project
We can now create new project " Sourcery G++ Lite" in menu "File", and do compilation and link.

  1. Run eclipse, and select the location of the newly created project file " workspace".
  2. Creat a new project " Sourcery G++ Lite" project:
    input porject name under "File->new->c project->", and select " Sourcery G++->finish" in " toolchains":
  3. add files to project, and edit application file.
    Right click project file name, and select "refresh" to load the changed file directory to "Eclipse".
  4. Set properties:
    Right click project file name and select " properties" ->C/C++ General->paths and symbols->, select " GNU C->add->workspace-> inlude " under " GNU C->add->workspace->", and ->apply ? ok ??

“ properties” ->C/C++ Build->settings->, and select " ARM Sourcery Windows GCC Linker ->General->" under " ARM Sourcery Windows GCC Linker ->General->", and select (*.ld)- in " script file", ->ok .
Enter the absolute path of .ld file.

  1. Build
    Right click project file and click " build project" or " clean project "