Hello everyone , i usualy use and arduino uno but for a university project i have to use the arduino due . I have to implant a edf scheduler on the due. Can someone tell me how to download the libraries and explain me how use the timer on the cortex m3.
Ps: sorry for my english i' m french.
Are you going to be trying to add your scheduler around the Arduino libraries ?
The SAM3X has several types of timers (Systick, watchdog, Timer Counter (9 channels), Real-time Timer, Real-time Clock, and the PWM peripheral (8 channels); the most likely candidate for a scheduler is the SysTick timer, which is an ARM Cortex thing (and therefore available on many Cortex Microcontrollers), but that is already used by the the millis() logic of Arduino. The Timer Counter peripherals could also be used, but they are specific the Atmel chips (and perhaps only the SAM3 chips.)
This looks like a pretty good Timer Counter library, and contains useful references as well: GitHub - ivanseidel/DueTimer: ⏳ Timer Library fully implemented for Arduino DUE
Thanks to reply . Do you have any idea to how save the context on the arduino due ?