Hello, I created a thermometer that displays the temperature to a lcd. Using edge detection, I have it switch between Celsius and Fahrenheit. It has stopped switching between these two modes. This: GitHub - MikhailDorokhov/TempSensor is the code. Can someone please take a look at it and see if there is something wrong with it? If it is not the code, what should I check? Any help will be greatly appreciated.
I see this is your first post. You should read how to make a post first in the first items in the forum, particularly the bit about how to insert code.
Hello, I created a thermometer that displays the temperature to a lcd. Using edge detection, I have it switch between Celsius and Fahrenheit. It has stopped switching between these two modes. This: GitHub - MikhailDorokhov/TempSensor is the code. Can someone please take a look at it and see if there is something wrong with it? If it is not the code, what should I check? Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Take a look at any samples in Arduino IDE using Serial or display the values calculated /read on your LCD step by step until you find the offending code.
I use simple for(;;); loop to temporary "stop" the code processing I can observe the results without updating the LCD all the time.
You probably met "averaging" instead of edge detection.