Editing and/or deleting own posts?

It seems that after some unspecified period of time, I no longer have the opportunity to edit or delete my own post. I think this is a mistake as misinformation can become cast in stone. I do not object to an edit trail, but I would like to be able to correct my own mistakes.

Is this true of other forum users?

It seems so, see here


starting at post #163


Being able to go back and edit ones own post with technical corrections or info additions is far more important than the occasional person that removes all their post in a particular thread.

I've raised a bug report. Would the consensus be that it is preferable to be able to make amendments, add code tags, and mark the thread as "solved" compared to the annoyance of having people make major changes to their original post, thus making the thread hard to read?

Hi, can the timeout be stretched to some decent time, like 30 minutes, not 3 Seconds, and the timer starts after you close the reply box, not when you open it.
My problem is I have neuropathy, look it up, along with oxaliplatin, feeling in tips of fingers not good, so it takes time to type. (I'm not a touch typist, along with probably 75% of forum members)
By the way, BIGGER font please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good work so far guys, I know it takes time to debug, but biggest problem that everybody is talking about are the two above problems.

Tom.... :slight_smile:


Same here.
I agree with the larger font.

Not very long ago, Sparkfun also changed their forum software. A "no edit/no delete" policy was introduced with the initial release, but it was reversed rather rapidly after the users raised an outcry.

It does happen that quite long after someone posts, they discover (and add) additional information that can substantially improve the quality and information content of the thread for later readers. As another example, embedded links can change and it is frustrating if forum policy prevents one from fixing the problem.

Hi, again, can someone tell me the definition of:
Unread Posts
Updated Topics

I understood it to mean.
Unread Posts; Topics that I had posted comments to, that had posts added after them, ie updated.
Updated Topics; All topics, excluding those in the Unread Posts, that have been added to or begun since last log-on.

That way, when I log on, Unread Posts will give me all the posts I am interested in and have been added to.
Updated Topics will show me any new Topics and any that may be getting no or a lot of attention.

Its simple, one click. KISS....

Tom...... :slight_smile:

Would the consensus be that it is preferable to be able to make amendments

Here is my responds to this form the main thread

Maybe it's good for admins and moderators but from a users point of view a timeout is a bad idea, apart from the above there are some threads like my sticky Due pinout diagram thread that always have the latest version in the OP, no matter how old the thread is and how many revisions the diagram goes through and how many pages the thread grows to the latest version is in the OP.

I get that some idiots delete a stack of posts and that leaves what remains looking pretty silly, I've only noticed this a few times in many years, is this a big issue? If so how about a timeout on deleting a post, they can of course still remove the content but at least there would be a placeholder there that shows a post has been "removed" so subsequent posts don't look so stupid.


@Tom, we used to have a simple method of seeing all new posts since last visiting the forum. This link


Would show any new posts in the numbered boards (change numbers to suite your interests) regardless of if you had posted to them or not.

Talk about KISS.

The current system is unworkable IMO and I am not responding to many posts (and no new threads) because they are just to hard to find. I don't have time (or probably the patience) to trawl through the 10 boards I'm interested in.

EDIT: And to be honest I am so incensed about the thread count loss just as I was approaching 10,000 that I'm less willing to contribute. We fixed the karma (like anyone gives a toss about karma) and still can't fix the thread count.


Being able to go back and edit ones own post with technical corrections or info additions is far more important than the occasional person that removes all their post in a particular thread.

+1 :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

I much prefer the old system in which the owner of a post can edit it at any time. A few of my posts are now Locked Stickies and it was useful to be able to update one of them (temporarily unlocked) long after it was originally written. I took care to ensure that readers would understand that the modification was much more recent than the original text.

I can live with the occasional situation where someone deletes or modifies a post and upsets the flow of logic in a Thread.

I usually only see my typos AFTER I press send.

I try to be careful with my spelling and I like to be able to correct typos even in a post that is a few days old.


Agreed. On a tech forum it is important to be able to add/update information.
Even moreso since many people maintain projects with feedback threads.

People deleting their posts is a rarity. Mildly annoying but rare

Having a working edit is critical

I vote bring back the edit/remove. Nick Gammon summed it up above. No user can edit the OP subject to [solved], and new users unfamiliar with the forum procedures can't go back and put their code in code tags.

And sometimes I need to access two computers to get all the code I need to post. That means with this new change I need two posts.

I just went back to an earlier page of the thread to check on something. After that I wanted to make an edit and change a post. And couldn't do it anymore. This is silly. A timeout of 30-60 minutes is ok, but there should be a decent window to correct mistakes. Not just spelling, but sometimes the formatting (code or links) doesn't turn out right. Sometimes you just forget stuff.

A timeout of 30-60 minutes is ok,

Not for me. There should be no timeout.

This is an attempt to "fix" a non-existent problem.

It is another example of the high-handed attitude in which "GOD" assumed he knew best and saw no need to consult the users to see what they might prefer. I had some sympathy with other problems which might have been inherent (and hence overlooked) in the change to the new system. But this aspect of the new system was working exactly the same as the old system (and working the way we want it) until "GOD" messed it up.


I agree to unlimited time to modifiy or fix your old posts.

I find hat spell checkers will alter works and then you have to go back and force the correct word instead of the spell check work.

also, if one posts a link and that gets broken, you have to leave the wrong information in place and then post much latter with the correct information.

The fact this is even in question is silly. I have to believe that the site owners have some clue on PROGRAMMING an Arduino ? what if you were unable to correct and old program ? ? ? ?

revise, re-work, edit.

these should be familiar concepts.

I agree to unlimited time to modifiy or fix your old posts.

I find that spell checkers will alter words and then you have to go back and force the correct word instead of the spell check word.

also, if one posts a link and that gets broken, you have to leave the wrong information in place and then post much latter with the correct information.

The fact this is even in question is silly. I have to believe that the site owners have some clue on PROGRAMMING an Arduino ? what if you were unable to correct and old program ? ? ? ?

revise, re-work, edit.

these should be familiar concepts.

sorry, I could not go back and edit my post to correct the typos.

This is going to be a nightmare for moderators too. More unnecessary posts
and more people reporting their own posts to get them changed

Looks like the timeout has gone, am I right? The edit is available on all older posts of mine I've checked so far.
