I need to have the possibility in my sketches to include the use of non english letters, mainly to be able to input them from the keyboard and display them on the serial monitor. This option is implemented in most word processors (WORD,EXCEL...).
Can anyone provide any idea? Is there a possibility to modify the font table used by the Arduino Libraries?
Thanks for any help.
Do you have a particular library in mind ?
I think you must be talking about the IDE. It is unlikely that the serial monitor supports alternate or Unicode character sets that would be needed to display such symbols. Of course the Arduino can send any ASCII, including compound characters, since it's just a character stream. A "real" terminal emulator like Putty or Tera Term, might do it, I'm not sure.
The serial monitor supports UTF8 characters, so not a problem there. The compiler should also allow you to input unicode characters into text for printing.
It could be difficult to modify a library to support unicode characters. Adding the actual bit pattern for the character to a font table would not be a problem, but the code is likely set up to support ASCII, where each character occupies a single byte, while unicode needs to support multiple bytes of storage for a single character.
What are you planning on doing with the arduino? Directly using unicode characters with a library may or may not work, depending on which specific library you are using.