EEG and Arduino

Hi guys! I'm a beginner with Arduino and I'm having fun just going through the projects book from the starter kit. I was looking at projects online and I saw a few using "mind control" headsets from board games to control other electronics using an Arduino micro controller.

I was wondering if it was possible to use other sensors with the Arduino. I don't really wanna buy one of the headsets, nor do I have the knowledge of circuitry to make my own EEG sensor.

I guess I was wondering I could use something like this and this with the Arduino somehow?

You can't directly use ECG electrodes or cables with an Arduino because biological signals tend to be in the microvolt range and the Arduino can only measure in the millivolts range (1000 times less sensitive). That is why you need a special low-noise amplifier to condition the signals so that an Arduino can measure them.

If you experiment with connecting electrodes to humans be sure you run everything off batteries and keep everything isolated from higher voltages.

Thank you for your reply! Do you have any recommendations for a board signal amplifier that's compatible with the devices I listed in my previous post?

Hi, welcome to this forum.
Recently I've had 16 of those sensors glued to my head for a day (epilepsy). Being watched in a room with 12 camera's I felt like a movie star :slight_smile:

Anyway, there is a project, openeeg, that might be interesting.
It has been online for quite a number of years, I don't know whether the companies mentioned still... sell the boards needed. An arduino should... be capable enough to cover the digital part, you may... have to adapt the code, but you can find quite a lot of info on EEG.

Thank you for your reply, the link is super helpful :slight_smile:

Sir, you might consider this new EEG/ECG arduino shield ( as an option.