[EEPROM] How to save value from EEPROM to variable [SOLVED]

Hi, sorry if this make double post.. I try to find in this forum but have no result. Apologize my mistake.

I want to save value from EEPROM to variable that i define before, but result is not expected, just print a char that no relevant with value from EEPROM.

Here my code:

  Using: Arduino Mega 2560 clone
  Library: EEPROM Built-In by Arduino, Christopher Andrews Version 2.0.0

#include <EEPROM.h>
const byte eeAddress = 0;
char mytest;

struct MyObject {
  char my_el_1[10];
  char my_el_2[10];
  char my_el_3[20];
  char my_el_4[20];
  float my_fl_1;
  float my_fl_2;
  char my_c_1[20];
  char my_c_2[50];
  char my_c_3[50];
  byte my_b_1;
  char my_c_4[15];
  byte my_b_2;
  byte my_b_3;
  byte my_b_4;

void setup() {

  // eeprom clear

  // eeprom put

  // eeprom get

void cls_eeprom() {
  pinMode(13, OUTPUT);
  for (int i = 0 ; i < EEPROM.length() ; i++) {
    EEPROM.write(i, 0);
  digitalWrite(13, HIGH);

void to_eeprom() {
  MyObject customVar1 = {

  EEPROM.put(eeAddress, customVar1);
  Serial.println("Saving to EEPROM: OK");

void from_eeprom() {
  MyObject customVar2;
  EEPROM.get(eeAddress, customVar2);
  Serial.println(customVar2.my_el_4); // ---> this print 'NATURAL GLOW' without quote as expected

  // change mytest
  mytest = (customVar2.my_el_4);
  Serial.print("mytest: "); Serial.println(mytest); // ---> just print 'mytest: S' without quote

void loop() {
  /** Empty loop. **/

Thanks for any advice..


char mytest;Declares a char variable that can hold a single character

  mytest = (customVar2.my_el_4);

How many characters are you putting into it ?

OMG.. that is my mistake..

I just re-define:
char* mytest;

And problem solved!

Thx UKHeliBob
