EEPROM read single byte

Hello everyone,
I want to read EEPROM and different bytes in it for example:
EEPROM page 0x30 byte 0 & 1
EEPROM page 0x30 byte 2 & 3
EEPROM page 0x31 byte 0 & 1.

anyone have any idea about it?

can i use native library?

uint8_t eeprom_read_byte ( const uint8_t*__p* )

If yes then how?
thank you in advance

int abc;
abc = EEPROM.get(addr);

Thanks but can you tell me how to do this for
EEPROM page 0x30 byte 0 & 1
EEPROM page 0x30 byte 2 & 3
EEPROM page 0x31 byte 0 & 1.
these three or can you write example code if it is possible for you?
thank you again

What eeprom? Internal or external. If internal, what Arduino? The internal eeproms are typically not paginated.

Sorry for giving the half information. Its External EEPROM . and im using Arduino Uno to read the infromation on that EEPROM

What is the part number of the EEPROM?

Post a schematic showing how the EEPROM is connected.

Actually it is the on chip EEPROM in IC

hi Cattledog,
im working on a project to measure the voltage from the NFC sensor and Using NFcshield with uno

I could read Tag ID using a basic read program from example. But to make this into some meaning full data, we need to use data that is stored in EEPROM of the nfc sensor. Can you give me idea how can i do it?

Not with the information you have provided so far.

You will have to provide the specification and protocol for the nfc sensor and its on board eeprom.

I requested for the datasheet. i will upload as soon as possible thank you in advance

hi cattledog, got the datasheet. EEPROM information is on page number 29 Please can you help now?
PD-FM-51-DTS-SIC4340-R1.3-20200220.pdf (4.1 MB)

Can you please provide a link the the nfc shield which is using the SIC4340.

I could read Tag ID using a basic read program from example

Can you please post that basic read program?

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