EEPROM writing cycles

When the Arduino tutorial on EEPROM said that the EEPROM can only sustain 100,000 writing cycles. Does that mean 100,000 writing cycles per cell, or the whole EEPROM? I have a code that stores IR signals in the EEPROM:

#include <Sleep_n0m1.h>
#include <avr/power.h>
#include <MomentaryButton.h>
#include <Streaming.h>

// Project 28 - IR Remote
#include <EEPROM.h>
#include <IRremote.h>
Sleep sleep;
int irRxPin = 9;
MomentaryButton button(7);
MomentaryButton sendButton(4);
int f = 38; // 40, 36, 38

IRrecv irrecv(irRxPin);
IRsend irsend;
typedef unsigned long dword;
dword prev = 0;
decode_results results;
int codeLength = 0; 
int currentCode = 0;

void setup()
  Serial << "0-9 to set code memory, s - to send" << endl;

void loop()
  f = map(analogRead(A1), 0, 1023, 36, 40);
  if (button.wasClicked())
    prev = millis();
    char ch = map(analogRead(A0), 0, 1023, 0, 7) + 48;
    if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9')
      setCodeMemory(ch - '0');
  else if(sendButton.wasClicked())

  if (irrecv.decode(&results)) 
    prev = millis();
  //if (millis() - prev >= 30000) autoSleep();

void setCodeMemory(int x) 
  currentCode = x;
  Serial << "Set current code memory to: " << currentCode << endl;

void storeCode()
  // write the code to EEPROM, first byte is length
  int startIndex = currentCode * (RAWBUF + 1);
  int len = results.rawlen - 1;
  EEPROM.write(startIndex, (unsigned byte)len);
  for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
    if (results.rawbuf[i] > 255)
      EEPROM.write(startIndex + i + 1, 255); 
      EEPROM.write(startIndex + i + 1, results.rawbuf[i]); 
  Serial << "Saved code, length: " << len << endl;
  Serial << "Code (usec on, usec off): " << endl;
  printCode(results.rawbuf, results.rawlen);

void sendIR()
  // construct a buffer from the saved data in EEPROM and send it
  int startIndex = currentCode * (RAWBUF + 1);
  int len =;
  unsigned int code[RAWBUF];
  for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) 
    int pulseLen = + i + 2);
    if (i % 2) 
      code[i] = pulseLen * USECPERTICK + MARK_EXCESS;
      code[i] = pulseLen * USECPERTICK - MARK_EXCESS;
  irsend.sendRaw(code, len, f);
  Serial << "Sent code length: " << len << endl;

void printCode(volatile word* code, byte length){
  for(byte i = 0; i < length; i++){
    if (i & 1) Serial << code[i] << ", ";
    else if (!(i & 1) && i < length - 1) Serial << code[i] << "," << endl;
    else if (!(i & 1) && i == length - 1) Serial << code[i] << endl;

void autoSleep(){
  sleep.pwrDownMode(); //set sleep mode
  ADCSRA = 0;
  PRR = 255;
  MCUCR = _BV (BODS) | _BV (BODSE);  // turn on brown-out enable select
  MCUCR = _BV (BODS);        // this must be done within 4 clock cycles of above
  sleep.sleepInterrupt(0, LOW);

I disconnected everything before uploading a new sketch for under a minute. When I removed everything, the LED on pin 13 was constantly lit (due to unconnected IR RX pin, and enabling the blink13). My code writes to the EEPROM every time it receives an IR signal. Does that mean my code was constantly writing to the EEPROM, and I could have destroyed forever (I did not test)?

Per cell, I believe. Also you might want to change your routine to only write if the new value is different to the old one. And, maybe if more than a second or so has elapsed (or something like that).

I disconnected everything before uploading a new sketch for under a minute

It is not doing anything for you, so there is no need to do it.

That is a good way to destroy your EEPROM.

The pin stayed at a LOW state the whole time (as indicated by the LED). It was only for like 30 seconds. It might have written to the EEPROM cells 100 times or so. It writes after it has received a signal. I don't even know how long until the signal times out. If I left it like that for an hour, it might have been over 100,000 writes to the EEPROM cells. I hardly ever used the EEPROM before this.

Actually, a later test revealed that the EEPROM was untouched during the period of time that I mentioned.