I have it connected as described in the official website ELECFREAKS EFCOM V1.2 (http://www.elecfreaks.com/wiki/index.php?title=EFCom_GPRS/GSM_Shield)
I use Arduino 1.0.5, upload the example code in the link above, turning the SIM900 on with the pushbutton, it has connection to the operator (indicated by the short flash every 3 second) and it seems fine.. im just not able to send AT commands, and it seems like im not getting anything back to the computer either...
I see that it is default 19200 8N1, i try to send commands in Serial monitor in Arduino 1.0.5, and SSCOM3.2 (linked from page above) and I disable auto-bauding mode, using "AT+IPR=19200"..
I use Arduino 1.0.5
Arduino UNO R3
Efcom V1.2 (SIM900 GSM / GPRS)
Charger -> 9v - 1A
S_RX (GRPS) -> PIN 3 (Arduino)
S_TX (GPRS) -> PIN 2 (Arduino)
baud = 19200
# include <SoftwareSerial.h>
SoftwareSerial mySerial (2, 3);
void setup () {
mySerial.begin (19200) / / the GPRS baud rate
Serial.begin (19200) / / the GPRS baud rate
Serial.println ("begin .....");
void loop () {
if (mySerial.available ())
Serial.write (mySerial.read ());
if (Serial.available ())
mySerial.write (Serial.read ());
All works out until i should try the communication via the serial port. It's just no respond..
please see the following video -> Efcom v1.2 is not communicating.mp4 - YouTube